Account Deranking While Offline

I have had this happen 3 times where I have a play session, rank up(or plateau) as my final game to Masters 3-4. When I log on the next session either the next day or a few days later, it says Diamond 4 (as my current rank when it should be Masters 4) and when I win 7 games, it’ll rank to Diamond 2 (or wherever I go). I haven’t played any games in between the last log off and this new rank up besides the basic 7 wins and some scattered losses, definitely not enough to lose an entire Masters 4 to Diamond 4 rank. There is no chance of someone else playing on my account or anything like that and I don’t mind ranking down IF I deserve it. This has just been a real killer to my Competitive Grind and makes me not want to play so I was curious if there is any fix or something I am doing that I am not aware of.


I’ve had the same problem, I’m creating a separate report as well, hopefully they see at least one and can figure it out

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I really hope they look into it. I’ve been playing Comp since Ow1 and it sucks to not be able to see my growth in Ow2. Comp is toxic enough lol

That is a bug I’ve never seen before but it does seem to be related to with this other recent post about a top 500 player who’s experiencing the same thing: Top 500 Season 0 Leaderboard Bug. In case you want to read more about similar bugs, I’ve put them in my post Season 36 Missing Top 500 Rewards under Unpredictable Rank Shifts.