Account completely reset

My account has been completely refreshed. I don’t have any characters or skins other than the ones I got for owning Overwatch


Pareil mon compte est complètement vide, je suis déçu et triste du coup. Pourtant j’ai fait tout avec la fusion. J’espère que c’est le problème qui fait ça

My account has been fully reset, knowing I have played since the beginning of part one. I got super sad when my skins were not shown there and I had to do everything all over again, I really want my account back to the way it was.


Ommmgggg all my skins / achievements are gone even tho I merged my account, :,( It’s asking me to do it again but I am 230,000 in the migration queue. This is terrible, if I don’t get my stuff back when this is over I quit :sob::sob:

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The same issue…I even did that migration option and still nothing…I don’t see the point of playing this game again if I don’t get my stuff back…If they don’t fix it I’m quitting for real…

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