Account banned without reason

Hello this morning I got up and wanted to advance in the battle pass I saw that my Overwatch account was permanently banned for no reason.

Looking at the email I received I could see that I cannot contest this unjustified ban so I come here.

I’ve never cheated, I’ve never been mean in vocals (I only do vocals with my duo), I’ve never been denigrating in chat.

I simply don’t understand this ban, I myself am all about making Overwatch a good place to report malicious or suspicious people…

The fact that I wake up to see that I am banned without explanation, for no reason when I now have over 1400 hours of games breaks my heart. I honestly don’t understand and I would sincerely like your help because I don’t want to let go of my account after everything I spent on it.


I’m literally in the same shoes! Got the e-mail last night and it says the same as yours. It’s so confusing and disheartening. I’ve been very actively playing since the launch of OW2 and never received any chat mutes, suspensions or warnings prior. :confused:

Hope something went wrong with their Defence Matrix and that it’ll be solved soon. I’ve sent an appeal but only got an automated reply so far. I suggest to try the same.


I did the same… Now i’m waiting, hope it will be okay for both of us… :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


Hope so too, fingers crossed :confused:


I got banned too, send second appeal and they don’t answer for a whole 24 hour, I hope they will notice many posts on Reddit, twitter and there


Sorry to hear you got affected too.

Same thing here. I basically got an automated reply back after 4-5h, but my reply to that hasn’t been replied to, yet. Been like 1,5 day now, so hopefully it means someone will look into it.

Edit: Oops, something went wrong with replying to MichaelKun

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Same. I got dc’ed from quickplay a couple times so I expected a suspension of 4 hours, at most two days. I sent a ticket but receive an automated message about leaving games and responded to it but now just waiting for a response. I want to know the reason for being permanently banned to see why. No cheating, barely talk in chat or voice chat. If there are evidences, I’d like to know. I’m confused.

Please file an appeal. This forum is only for crash and disconnection issue troubleshooting.