Accidental Automod to ban

I’m positive I was accidentally automodded, I was warned in game and immediately ceased using chat but was still banned, on top of this I’m aware I wasn’t using any offensive language period. It’s been multiple days waiting on a human response and I was confused how I could’ve been banned after the warning despite immediate cessation of chat usage.

No account issues are handled in the forum, so you’ll want to wait on your appeal ticket. You should also check your email for the specific part of the EULA you violated to receive a penalty.

Neither does opening support ticket because it’s just bots replying canned nonsensical messages or later humans who from what I have seen do not understand even the most basic English and just ALWAYS claim you’re at fault literally no matter what.

Generally asking how long does it take to get a human in support tickets?

It took them 30 minutes to send me a canned bot reply just blatantly confirming I’m at fault without actually checking ANYTHING. I refused to accept that nonsense because this is the second time they are selling me total nonsense under pretense I’m violating their imaginary Code of Conduct rules. After that, they needed like 1 week to reply, this time allegedly by an actual human, yet again with absolute nonsense claims, this time actually quoting the offending lines of chat text. I say “allegedly” because there is no way an actual human with basic knowledge of English would look at those lines and come to a conclusion I’m actually at fault. And just closed the ticket like we’re finished here. Hello?! First you send me a nonsense canned reply sent out by a bot pretending to be human, then they need almost a week probably yet again pretending to be human sending out “confirmation” that is so meaningless it makes Monty Python a freaking scientific documentary.

Their whole game moderation and management of appeals is so blatantly mismanaged they need to be put on blast everywhere.