The 2-2-2 rework gave her too much healing potential.
You’ve had to compensate for this by significantly nerfing her tankiness, which is incredibly counterintuitive to her character design. Why should a melee range hero be forced to play passively because you keep nerfing her survivability?
Just go back. She doesn’t need three repair packs. Reduce her healing potential and give her 250/225 health.
She was a throwpick with 200 health, this is why you gave her 225 in the first place.
Brig’s problem is not her health, it’s her healing.
I’m still hoping that the patch won’t make it through the experimental, she was one of the worst on ladder before she got the 225 and now she’ll go right back there. Just nerf her Inspire range or her armor packs or something.
If she’s a brawler support, then you know, she should be a brawler support. Let her brawl and not die immediately.
Really unless they intend on going back to open queue with OW2 (which I highly doubt), there’s no reason not to go back closer to the original design. Outside of triple Support, it would be much more balanceable starting point and far more in keeping with her character.
300 is too low. Even at 500 it broke quickly to any serious fire. Plus it doesn’t have the area. 500 would be better, but I figured 400 is at least enough to give her the biggest part of her old utility.
Brigs hp nerf is necessary if they wont nerf her healing.
It’s either one or the other, and I think theyd rather make her a weird super-safety pocket hybrid instead of a literal Tank.
People suggest giving her more hp but taking away the majority of her healing…
Like… just make her a Tank at that point.
I refuse to accept it because I enjoy her rework far more than I did before her rework & she works well for me
I feel like she takes skill now & I enjoy being a capable healer.
Before her rework with her 250hp & 500hp barrier I had to put in very little effort to be able to 1v1 or even 1v2. It was easy. And at the same time her healing was pretty bad. Inspire was weaker & only having 1 pack made you a pretty useless healer after you used it. Unless we were playing Goats I always cringed having a Brig on my team, and would never pick her myself outside of Goats. It was just not worth having a teammate play solo half the game & have such little healing as a result.
People like to complain about OW being balanced around the way it’s supposed to be played (with teamwork) and it’s seemingly those same people who want Brig to be reverted so she can play by herself again
It’s the other way around. Triple support compensated for the fact that old Brig didn’t support all that well. Frontline survivability by itself does nothing for the team, and a Brig that’s heavily invested into that will not fly in 2/2/2.
What you’re not understanding is that having a shield in general is immense value on a support. She’s not intended to be a pseudo 3rd tank in the way lower elo wants her to be played, and that’s the playstyle we’re trying to sway away from. Making Brig more tanky so she can be played in the way plat wants to play her just ruins the game for anyone above that elo. It’s been proven time and time again that the game is healthier without Brig, and they don’t want to remove the character so she undoubtedly needs a rework. She’s f tier in plat when shes S tier in gm, and if she’s S tier in plat then shes S+++++++++++++ tier in gm.
coming from someone whos 4.4k on main and onetricked brig to t500 in her nerfed state on literally this account but im sure im wrong about that too
not every character should be viable in every situation either, and that kind of balancing ideal is crazy. ESPECIALLY characters that bypass gamesense learning curves etc