Absolutely done playing main tanks

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I now kind of want to abuse it if that bug is there on PS4 lol

But it should be fixed lol

Besides, I already want his charge to just be able to grab everyone in his path and slam them against a wall… at least just crush the main person and low damage the others.

I play Rein occasionally, and do agree that there are issues with him (like his inconsistent charge), but if that was me and I missed that Ana, I would be more salty with my bad ult rather than missing her.

Like I said, agree to disagree, but it looks like a distance issue to me rather than a terrain thing. It looks like she is on the cusp of the Earthshatter effect too if you look closely, but I’m 95% sure it is a distance thing in this scenario.

Okay then. I got 300+ hours on the Rein (both qp and comp). I do Earthshatters everyday and I think it’s easily within the earthshatter. I think the bug has something to do with that pillar she is standing next to creating some kind of glitch with the hitboxes than it does with the range.

Pardon me for weighing in on this, but Ana was clearly in his LoS with that ult. However, the pillar/bench/thing was in the way and made the ult bug out, so Ana didn’t stick, unfortunately.

I really don’t know, but it looks like a distance thing to me :confused:
It could be because of the pillar, I’m not saying it’s not, but to me it looks like she is out of range by literally centimetres. It looks like she is on the literal edge of the effects.

Like I said, agree to disagree, but if it were me playing in that moment, I would have chalked it up to distance, not terrain. But either way I would be salty about it :joy:

Also, no need to pardon yourself for wading in to a discussion. It is an open forum, after all :slight_smile:


Then I’ll play them. I am an Orisa and future Brigitte main, and if you’re going to be selfish and refuse to be the shield of your team, then I will.

-SoaringEagle :eagle::shield:

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tanks are just fine. except reinhardt ofc.

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100% I totally understand you as true Reinhardt, main it makes me sick playing tank without them getting, no buffs whatsoever from Blizzard. Reinhardt,Zarya and Ana could sure use some buffs right about now otherwise i won’t be playing tank anymore up to this point on.

I can’t stand the current state of the main tanks. It’s abysmal.


My patience growing thin for Reinhardt, don’t understand why it’s taking Blizzard, so long to look at him, and fix him with a buff!!!

Im sorry, did you assume i would? Is it normal on the forums to check everyones profiles?

They don’t want to buff him because they see him more as a victim of dive meta. They don’t want to nerf dive and suddenly have this unstoppable crusader because, let’s face it, Rein was pretty balanced and meta before dive really started. Any buffs could leave him op after they nerf dive.

Bug fixes though? Needed so badly. I’m tired of getting shattered with my shield up. I’m tired of the failed charges. I’m tired of the buggy shatter hit box. Half his kit is just littered with bugs.

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Usually when players are talking about balance, or heroes being underpowered/overpowered, or being buggy, they tend to look at their profile to see if their claims hold water with time on that hero.

I once had a dude tell me he knew more about Reinhardt because he fights along side Reinhardt. He had 0 time played on Rein.

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But he (and mostly his shield) is the victim of power creep more than anything; especially spam damage through reworks, buffs, and counters added.

Sometimes, third party observation needs also to be done. What you see, even as high as plat, is that reinhardt users still charge in, without even successully killing someone. Not evryone has the ability to self learn.

That’s my point Reinhardt, isn’t a dive tank at all, and he deserve a buff. I don’t care what others think of Reinhardt, he forever my main not giving up on him just yet!

I will forge on forever as Reinhardt, with Honor,Justice, and Glory forever!

Oh I’m not denying that power creep is too real right now, but as I recall this was the excuse given by blizzard back when we first started to ask for Rein buffs.

Let’s hope that Blizzard can see that Rein’s problems have gone far beyond ‘dive meta victim’ status. Power creep has just completely swept him away.

Yeah but I’ve got 250+ hours on the Crusader (comp&QP).
The guy was a Hanzo main who never even touched Rein. I think my position holds a tiny bit more water than him.

I think it’s pretty normal but I wasn’t trying to assume anything. Just saying.

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