About the Mei buffs and bugs

You forgot to add that mei needs to reload her gun in cryo freeze

They’re rebuilding rein from the ground, but cant fix cryofreeze…

I want cryofreeze to not get cancelled by hooks and stuns from laggy opponents.


The only buffs I want is a more reliable ultimate and a faster fire rate of her Icicles.

  • Her ultimate is easy to interrupt, can be deflected by Genji, absorbed by Dva, Is easy to avoid, is easy to escape and has a starting time. It feels just underwhelming often and I either use to clear a point or to secure 1 or 2 easy kills.
  • With a faster fire rate of her RMB (less cast time) should Mei be able to deal more damage in less time making her a better DPS’er. This, or decrease the falloff damage. I wouldn’t mind trading her freeze of her primary (and keep the slow effect) to have this.

I think a rework with a clear role in mind is the only way to make her truly viable. It worked out for Junkrat and Hanzo, so it might work out for Mei as well. (I wouldn’t mind Mei seeing being reworked to be a tank.)


In fact her pick rate passed from the 1st place of least picked hero to the 5th. Also her pick rate percentual goes down ranking up, but her win rate increases.

I didn’t added it because personally i think could be a solution, but not the best. There are other solutions like increasing fire ratio to give her more often icicles.

Same, if she had more damage on right click and a more reliable ultimate she would be certainly better. We have two possibilities: making her a pure tank, able to survive and help the team or make her more a damage dealer, but in both cases with area denial abilities.
But a question still permains: what could replace primary fire?

The buffs massively increased her utility and her winrate. Her pickrate is still low, but that’s to be expected from a niche hero.

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I think she is doing better. She is very close to being balanced and is finally seeing some use on OWL. Thats a sign things are moving in the right direction.

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I think they should make her alternate fire work like hanzo’s bow where instead of firing the shot after a delay she has to charge the shot before firing, at least if she wants full power. Ice wall is a really strong ability and lowering its cooldown would be great for her, but that would only make trolling easier for her. Her ultimate could also use some quality of life changes. I know she’s niche and might need a total rework but I think she would have enough moments of viability if they would shorten her cooldowns and give her more control over her alternate fire, maybe even give her a slight increase to DPS by lowering her reload or adding that charging feature to her alternate fire.

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But I don’t want more damage on her Icicle. The damage output itself is fine.
I just want to increase the fire rate of it.Being able to shoot more Icicle in less time should make her stronger as a DPS’er. She is in the Damage class after all :slight_smile:

A better question would be, what role do you want Mei to have?
If you take away the freeze spray, then she will no longer be a Crowd Control hero.
So she would need a new role in the game.
I would remove the freeze and rework her as a tank with slowing down abilities. Her ultimate will keep the freeze though and the slow down spray on her LMB can still increase the freeze rate.

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Nah, the ammo buff was like a 1% increase in usefulness and the freezing multiple targets was like a 5% increase. Now they need to make it so she can be healed by anyone while in iceblock and fix the bugs that happen with iceblock.

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I’m glad there are other players who are aware of the fact Mei can’t be healed by everyone in Cryo-Freeze.

(A video I made about this.)


I agree with thread.

The top 3 buffs that I’d recommend are:
One of the following:
-Reduce Icicle charge time by 50% 0.38->0.19
-Iceblock cooldown reduced from 12 second->6 seconds
-FrostStream freeze speed increased by 20% (1.5 second freeze->1.2)

The first one would make mei a better damage dealer across the board.
The second would make her better at dueling against other characters by using her Iframe to dodge core abilities and it will solidify her spot as the best stall character.
The third would make her more fluid to play because you could freeze+head shot more often in more situations.

There’s few concerns that might occur should some of these buffs occur.

Q1: Would Mei be a better McCree given that her toolkit(Wall+Ice block and Blizzard) are better than Combat Roll and Dead Eye? Probably if you believe the pros that his skills are good suicide buttons.
Q2: Is it a good thing if the entire purpose of a character is to stall a point as seen by OWL pickrates for her? I think it is fair because every role in overwatch plays a part in winning games
Q3: Who should have the priority of “feeling good” regarding a character selection, the player playing the character or the playing fighting it? In truth, both sides should feel they had a fair chance to outplay each other. If I had to pick a side, It should be the player who plays character because you should be rewarded if your doing well in the given scenero. The opponent should take his loss as learning lessons and find alternative style to beat it instead of whining that it’s blizzard fault.

Niche hero is an euphemism to say troll pick, because niche heroes usually give very little to no help to the team because there are heroes that can do the same job but better. Also her pick rate goes down in higher ranks, but her winrate incrases.

I think the same, but we didn’t reached the final objective yet.

A change could be “start cooldown when wall is placed”, this gives her the wall more often.

This is the same thing i want, i said few times in the past. Giving her the possibility to shoot the same ammount of icicles in less time is a good deal, because increased her DPS and we get in cryo with ammos more often. Also i still can’t decide about falloff tuning, at least an increase of minimum damage from 22 to 30-35.

This is still one of major things i want fixed: make Mei able to be healed by any healer in cryo and fix the favor the shooter issue

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To be honest, I have no problem with the falloff damage staying as how it is.
Mei is designed to be a close to midrange range hero. She shouldn’t be played as a long range hero. Not with her current kit.
But being able to deal more damage on a longer distance would be nice though :grin:

Now that Mei is in the Damage class do I want her to be more like a DPS’er instead of just being a close range CC hero.

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Same, removing the distinction between defense and attack made clearer the heroes roles and translated attack/defense into DPS, and having all heroes in damage section means any DPS can be used in attack/defense (depends by case). Also finally the Meihem in the role select is gone, we have Mei-Cree and Phar-Mei.

I have a question: increasing projectile speed of primary fire does something? I’m thinking about it, because increasing projectile speed of frost stream makes it more precise (bending less) and damages enemies in less time.

No, no and just no. No!

please explain why not

Because the last thing this game needs is more CC on a lesser cooldown!

I’m all for buffing mei, but if you decrease her charge time on her weapon it disproportionately helps her against tanks. You can already get two headshots on a frozen enemy so reducing charge time by 50% would mean you could get 3-4 shots (4 in theory although I’m unsure how this would work in practice) on a frozen target.
On a squishie this would not matter but on tanks this would be 450-600 damage. She really doesn’t need much help against tanks. I feel this would be a very unhealthy change.


I haven’t thought about that. You made a good point. Tanks already has it rough and we shouldn’t make it more harder for them.

Then maybe the damage and falloff needs to be increased as well if the cast time of her icicles are reduced.

(Or just rework her as a tank because she isn’t exactly a damage dealer.)