About the Mei buffs and bugs

I completely agree, because we can’t know if an hero is efficient and useful if it still has bugs. Is like the Schrödinger’s cat: until the bugs are fixed, Mei could need buffs or be fine without them


This is spot on. Her icicle’s are overly complicated and hard to use for a skill that even have fall off damage on top of it, just to cement that Mei is supposed to be in melee, and hope there’s no shields.

The best they could do for her, were to either make her icle’s hitscan after they form, make them shoot instantly, or my preferred thing: Replacing it with something better. It’s dragging the poor girl down. :confused:

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I think leaving them as projectile is fine, but i would get rid of cast time or i would tune the falloff to make the icicles better at medium range.

I agree that a bit less fall-off on icicles would be nice. (I feel like landing it at long ranges should be rewarded with bonus damage even, but that’s probably just me)

Also, what if you could hold rightclick to form the icicle and keep it in the gun if necessary, and shoot upon realeasing rightclick?
It’s the same DPS but there’s more control and immediacy, and just better feel.


This. I go from dink city to doing 500 damage per match just depending on the day… If you’re just slightly off when playing, you’re not going to do anything. I fully accept that being bad should not get kills, but Mei’s projectiles feel a bit lacking, they feel like they have too many weaknesses. Yes, they have lots of damage potential, but it’s very hard to be consistent with this damage. She got hit very hard with the projectile nerf way back when, harder than I think she should have. I don’t want a revert of that, because that would entail Hanzo shooting 4 pine trees per second, which sounds terrible. But, and I could very well be wrong about this, it’s strictly from memory, I seem to recall Hanzo getting a slight buff to his projectile size some time after the global nerf, while Mei did not. Again, could be wrong about that last point, please correct me if I am.

This is the main reason I stopped playing Mei. I played her exclusively in the beta, and then exclusively for a good 4-6 months on release, but the cryo freeze bug just got to be too much. I like the idea of it going on cooldown as soon as you use it, but I also agree that it may be a bit too much… It should definitely refill ammo though, Reaper has nearly the same ability, and his refills now.

Yes please… I don’t even know how many times this would have saved teammates. If I could just say “Is here good?”, that would make things so much easier.

I would really like the increased freeze speed. It sucks that basically everyone in the game can escape it, even if it was thrown perfectly. It’s like the old Grav, it didn’t matter who all you got in it, because half the cast can just walk away.

I think something should be done with her freeze. It’s way too unreliable. I normally don’t even go for the freeze, I just try to land a headshot with her secondary, and then a bodyshot after that. If it were faster, or maybe decreased the effectiveness of mobility (such as Genji’s dash, Tracer’s blink, Winston’s jump) by making them not go nearly as far, she would be a much better pick. It seems that Blizzard want her to be an anti-flanker, but she’s nearly useless as that role, she’s a much better anti-tank (assuming her team backs her up a bit). Reducing her freeze time might also be a decent buff for her (I thought this is what they did with her recent buffs, I’m still not sure what they actually buffed, I can’t really tell a difference), but I’m not sure if this would be too much.

I think if she was too good at her job, we would have flankhog all over again, which no one wants, myself included.

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If you buff her m2 she begins to outshine McCree’s one thing he has which is his m1 damage. That’s also why her m2 has falloff like his gun.

Mei will never be balanced so long as her primary fire and freeze remain as is. She could easily become an overpowering monster with even one wrong buff.

She honestly needs a rework to where her main damage doesn’t revolve around the hardest CC in the game.

Stun is bad enough, the LAST thing we need for this meta is to add freezing.

I would prefer they remove all non-ult hard CC. Make freeze just a slow and I’d be fine with buffing her m2 to compensate.

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I agree with the m2 thing, if it’s too powerful, she will be able to outsnipe Widow. I’ve done it many times in the beta. I still think a slight projectile size buff would be a nice buff for her though. It would add just a little more consistency to her kit, something she’s severely lacking.

I also agree that one too many buffs can make her an unstoppable killer, but I think there is a middle-ground where she is useful with freeze, but not too powerful. Some people won’t like it, but that doesn’t mean it’s unbalanced. If that were true, there would be no heroes in this game, it would just be completely empty…

But if she counters the stun pretty well, then it would balance out… If she could actually freeze Doomfist, Brigitte, McCree, etc before they killed her, then she could stop the stuns.

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While I agree she still need more adjustments to be useful, i also think she is better to play, mainly because of the change that slow effects lasts longer.


The last thing her m2 or any other projectile needs is a size increase. That would be worse for the entire game than a flat damage buff and removed falloff.

If she could kill any of those heroes easily with her freeze before they could stun her, she could do that to any hero and would be game breaking.

Again, we need LESS CC overall, not more. I’d straight up not play anymore if Mei’s freeze was buffed. And the only way her m2 can be made better is by reworking her m1 and freeze mechanic.

So long as she revolves around freeze+m2 headshot, she can’t really be buffed to where she’s be a viable GM+ pick.

It’s honestly a mechanic that will need to go away if she’s ever going to move beyond a niche pick.

I would be willing to try a massive speed reduction instead of a freeze on her m1 so long as her ult and m2 get buffed slightly to compensate. I don’t want a “this is on PTR, thus it will definitely go live” thing though, I would only want to test it out, then send it to live if she still feels fun to play.

If her ult froze much faster (such that people couldn’t escape by pressing space a couple times) and had a shorter cast time, and her m2 had the size buff, that would be fine imo. I don’t really use her freeze anyway, it’s too inconsistent. I don’t think a damage buff is necessary unless you’re buffing it to 100, as it won’t make any difference in time to kill. And making it 100 would be absolutely insane, so that won’t do.

I’m 100% ok with there being less Mei in the game. She is just about the least fun thing to play against regardless of whether you win or lose. I’d be ok if she lost power on her freeze and got an improvement for her secondary

I would support her freeze gun just slowing the target for 2 or 3 seconds, if her ultimate and M2 got improved. I mostly use icicles anyway with the focus being use icicle to build ult as quickly as possible. Freeze is really only used in 1v1 fights or when I’ve split the enemy team with a wall.

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Problem is, Hanzo DOES do this already. His skill is Fan The Bow Hammer, and he has no falloff on his.


I think applying a “crippling effect” that makes movement ability disabled while in her ultimate would be about the only thing I was accept for giving up having people be completely frozen by it.

True and Hanzo needs a nerf pretty badly.

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I feel the icicles should output more damage but should perform better at medium range, otherwise we fall back to the MeiCree situation

This is one of main issues that still need fix, i don’t know how i can still play Mei in these conditions.

Mhm, IDK if this is a good idea. I think adjusting damage output (falloff and fire ratio) would be a better solution.

Believe or not, many players want this feature. If i remember right, in the old forum a player called XodiaK or Jinxed (i don’t remember, but they were both active on the Meigathread) proposed a visible wall blueprint.

In an older thread i proposed to make the primary fire only to slow down, and leaving a slow down effect for few seconds, and leaving complete freeze to ultimate, but i feel like this would make the primary fire even more useless. I think finding a replacement ability could be a more effective way.

Not sure why everyone is worried she might outperform mccree when mccree is pretty much one of the worst characters in the game right now.

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The thing with Mei is, that she is a just an abomination of a hero design, and a crowd control spam factory.

In order to justify her being a CC spam factory and call her balanced, her DPS is quite low. If her DPS would increase in return her CC spammyness would decrease.

Either way, since her whole kit is around being a spam fest, buffing her damage is not really doable. And that’s why she will always go to be a specialist niche hero, which will shine now and then, but otherwise is utter garbage.

She is a heavy crowd control hero. Making her OP should and is a worry.

She has been used a lot after the buff.