About the genji buffs

I am a support main and I want to see the genji buffs.
The problem is, people seem to think that Genji needs buffs because he is too weak. When in reality he needs them 'cause a lot of other DPS are simply broken and/or have one shot potential.

Exacerbating this problem won’t solve it(?).

Thus directly adding to power creep.
I’m A-OK with the Genji buffs.

But those heroes NEED to be toned down.

Can some of you go check out a thread I posted about a possible rework to Genji, involving a new ability, but a nerf to Dragonblade, making him less of an ultbot for nanoblade, and adding more sustain to his flanking playstyle.

Edit: here’s the link - Possible Genji Rework Idea - #27 by mixedguyty-1866