Ive seen so many people complaining that hes finally getting his damage put in line to actually be able to secure kills when he engages someone and I just wanna address something.
Yall realize that DPS have to be able to kill things right? Hitscans are able to 1-2 shot you from halfway across the map and im more than aware that yall don’t like that, but if you just nerf those heroes, then no DPS are able to get kills. Buffing genji, who was a counter to hitscans prior to season 8, provides another viable DPS option (potentially)
like we cant just have ashe McCree widow being the only dominant DPS forever… tracer and echo are good right now but only when they’re pocketed by a brig, which is a bit more difficult to get people to do on ladder.
Plus genji has to play in a dangerous range where he’s vulnerable to close quarters beams from moira and zarya, 2 commonly played heroes who aren’t going to allow genji to roam the map uncontested, and inside the range of every CC in the game.
As a last note, its summertime, there are going to be a LOT more players right now. Patches over the last few months have suggested that devs are trying to bring dive back on a map specific basis, which btw, dive heroes haven’t been viable in 2 years since season 10 mind you
During dive theres WAY more solo impact, you can legitimately carry games. With a lot more people coming back to the game over the summer, there are going to be bad teammates. People refusing to cooperate, people refusing to coordinate, people refusing to swap off of hard countered picks etc
would you rather lose a game because of having a player like that on your team, or would you rather have heroes in the game that are high skill, with a high enough reward that with proper performance, can carry in the aspects that a bad player on your team is dragging you down.
Having a meta like this will be good for the game so long as we don’t make the same mistake as last time on dive, which was just letting a good meta last for too long.