About The Banned Topic

Clearly not if they’re making this topic saying they should be allowed for poor sportsmanship like behavior because it’s not censored… so in his definition someone can be verbally abusive in voice chat without consequences because it’s not censored…

You’re literally saying that because VC doesn’t have a filter people should be allowed to be verbally abusive or talk rudely to their teammates…like Xbox match chat.

But wait, not everything is censored and there are still community guidelines to abide by…such as poor sportsmanship like conduct not to be allowed.

They could censor EZ, but then you’ll see

Maybe just don’t say it because it’s rude??? There’s a thought


So, the fact that the private company is using the Federal Governments infrastructure is meaningless?

If a private company decides to censor things piggy backing off of the governments property, shouldn’t the laws, like the fact that congress can make no law abridging the right to free speech, apply to the private company? Shouldn’t they lose their access to use the property paid for by the citizens of the country?

Unless of course these companies want to run their own fiber optic cable across the entire country for a staggering amount of money they will never get back.

Saying your team mates are rubbish is also not in the filter also.
You just don’t say certain things as you know it’s toxic and unhelpful even if you think it.

We all get annoyed but respect costs nothing.


I really like how respect is just given to people.

Earning it is far more beneficial to everyone. But let me guess, entitlement costs nothing, at least for its beneficiary.

So everyone should have the right to say anything, but also everyone has to listen to anything everyone has to say? Doesn’t that seem a little backwards to you? Why should a person or a private company have half of their right of free speech taken away just because they use some of the government’s property that they (usually) pay for?

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I personally have no problem with people saying EZ or GG EZ or whatever EZ because to me it is funny expecially when it is GG EZ since it makes the funny messages
I understand that people do not like it
Should you be banned for it? no
is it something you should say? probably not because it does trigger people
which there is nothing wrong with them getting upset about it
its a toxic phrase.
I don’t know the exact way you get banned or punished for saying GG EZ I know there is an abusive chat report but I don’t know the punishments for getting reported and being found guilty of this since I have been reported for something aparently but never gotten any punishment

No one, not me nor the government, forces you to listen to anything.

If you decided, this exchange between the two of us wasn’t worth your time, I cannot make it mandatory for you to read what I wrote. It works both ways. I chose to interact with you because discourse between individuals is the greatest way to resolve dispute and come to a mutual understanding of one another. Limiting your speech or my speech infringes on one of the most important facets of this.

Removal of one voice over others is oppression, not systemic, of whatever person you are silencing. Just because someone says something, you are not honor bound by law to listen.

Only if you are under the premise that the company who decided to operate under the guidelines that freedom of speech shall apply to their business if they so choose to start it, agrees with this before they started the business in the first place.

If ignorance of the “law” in regards to posting on Blizzard’s forums isn’t an excuse, then it shouldn’t be excusable that the companies didn’t know they would have to adhere to federal law to operate.

Not to mention, companies aren’t individuals. Companies don’t have freedom of speech, as companies are a label of enterprise not living breathing entities.

See previous statement.

To expound: Jeff Kaplan can say whatever he damn well pleases.

Blizzard is not a person, so does not have the same protections.

Saying “EZ” is poor sportsmanship and rude. I don’t report for it unless the player was toxic in more serious ways already, but it doesn’t surprise or bother me that other people do report it.

There is also a strong possibility that the OP got actioned for reasons besides “just saying EZ”.

I’m not about to get into it on the whole sidebar conversation about US free speech laws, but I do want to point out that even at the federal level, there are some kinds of speech that are not protected. If you joke about having a bomb in the airport security line, you are 100% getting detained. If you show up to a presidential event and loudly threaten to do harm to him, the Secret Service is going to have you in zip ties in the blink of an eye. If you lie under oath in court, you’re going to jail. If you engage in slander/libel, you can legally get taken to the cleaners in lawsuits. Inciting violence, sharing federally classified info, and committing fraud (which requires an awful lot of words) are all prosecutable.

Even though the government cannot prosecute you for being verbally abusive in lots of ways, there are things you can choose to say will for sure get you in trouble at a federal level.


Because “toxicity” is an open-ended definition subject to interpretation by the in-game and forum moderators.

Technically, you never know if you’re being toxic or not.

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But this isn’t what Free Speech is about.

Its not what punishments you can be held accountable with. Its the fact that Congress cannot pass laws limiting what you can say.

Why is this so hard for people to understand?

in all honesty, if someone says ez to me, I mute chat and then roll them over. :slight_smile:

No one is being silenced for having discourse or conversations? You’re just not allowed to break rules the game/company has in place? Like saying derogatory things, or being a pisspoor sport, and even then, you CAN say whatever you want, but you’re not free from repercussions while using a platform a private company gave you.
If you can’t have a conversation within the basic confines of that then the issue isn’t your right to ‘freedom of speech” being infringed.

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Ok let me rephrase. Manners and sportsmanship cost nothing.

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If you read the whole thing, that’s not what was being discussed.

I don’t personally care how a company wants to operate.

It is my personal opinion, that since all these companies rely on interstate commerce infrastructure, paid for by the tax payers, that even companies should have to comply with 1st amendment rights.

No, that isn’t how it is now. Its not that way now because;

  1. Companies want the power to silence voices based on conditions of hurt feelings. Which eventually can silence everyone.
  2. People are too stupid to realize what a danger censorship is.

People in power like it that way. It gives them control over things that aren’t theirs to begin with. I refer to reason 2 as to why people think that it is their right as a private company.

Typing EZ can get you banned now…what the Dafuaq…like Jesus christ…just why

I can’t believe we are In that stage of 2021 already where two letters that are a shorten version of easy can ban your whole account

It’s like that old spongebob episode

“It’s means he is scared of EZ”




You entirely missed the point of that quote.
No matter what they FILTER, you are still responsible for saying it. As in the repercussions for being a toxic ugh in a game run by a private company who doesn’t wish to support that behavior is you might end up not playing that game anymore.

You are free to say whatever you wish whenever you wish. You are not free from the consequences.


Glad you got suspended you little skunk

I only use EZ against someone who has done it to me or my team. If it’s someone on my team, I usually try to come to the defense of my opponents unless it’s towards someone that deserved it.

What I can’t understand is why you can be banned for saying it. This PC culture is too much.

This community making a huge deal out of what?..EZ!!!
Go outside people!
Learn some social skills

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