About the article regarding Sombra

“The Sombra changes, I was a little surprised with the feedback online where people thought it was an overall nerf,” lead designer Geoff Goodman tells me. “We gave her a lot of buffs and a lot of nerfs at the same time. The Sombra changes are a lot about giving her more flexibility in how she plays, and that flexibility gives her a lot more power.”- VG247 Article

The feedback online is negative because shes a hero that doesn’t need nerfs when her kit is already as fickle as it is right now.

If a hero is doing so bad that they’re the least picked hero with the lowest win rate, that hero shouldn’t receive a nerf in ANY shape or form, even with buffs included.

I understand that Hanzo is example of this, but he has the damage. He has the utility. He actually has parts to his kit that were good before he got reworked into the monster he is now. Sombra LACKS that damage. She is the only DPS with no secondary or burst damage that allows her to be a damage dealer.

It sounds like they want Sombra to be a flanker that momentarily bothers them before going back. If thats the case, why not give Sombra the ability to get ult charge from health packs again if thats the case? How are we supposed to play her? Sit there and wait in a game thats fast paced? And even if you do come out of stealth, will you be able to land the hack? All it takes is for ONE person to aim in your direction, and you’re locked in a stupid 2s cooldown.

How are we supposed to play? What are we supposed to do?


The fact that they gave a hero a lot of buff and nerf to an already one of the worst hero in the game is beyond me…

The buffs wasn’t even good enough to even compromise the nerf that she got.


The hilarious thing, he also ackowledged that there isnt much difference between increasing her durations for a bit and making it infinite. In his mind that made it logical to turn it infinite. But then ended up nerfing her in return because cant have infinite contest, or 75% speed boost.

People playing against new Sombra even straight up admitted that it feels the same playing aginst her. Doesnt make much sense if shes supposedly more effective, does it?

They want to buff her without making her “unfun” to play against, which is impossible and makes logically no sense, since people will get salty when they get countered and lose. But thats the very goal of buffing a heroes effectiveness.


I would really like to see them play her, just to show how the changes are supposed to make her better. I’ve asked this several times in the forums from players that say she’s buffed, none have managed to do so. How about the devs show us how.


They want her to stay underutilized. It’s the only explanation. If they really wanted her viable they would’ve given her the buffs she deserves.

After the pros scared them they realized they didn’t want her viable perhaps, which is garbage and they need to make her better.


I still believe losing ult charge from health packs is what killed Sombra after Sombra 2.0 was nerf. It was her best niche and what gave her a reason to be picked. Now…it feels like there’s not much left all because of the drawbacks she has.


You have to nerf her ult charge if you make her stronger in other directions or she would be total op. Problem is they instantly nerfed what make her good and didn’t compensate and now they are ****ing around with useless buffs because they have no idea what to do but they refuse to admit that they messed up.

This is why I’ve completely given up on Sombra, they have no idea what they’re doing


Which is why she needs ult charge from packs again. I say they didn’t even have to completely remove it. They could have just let her be the only one who gains charge because now she really needs the ult charge from packs again because like you said they nerf the replacement they gave her.

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Well that’s the perfect example of Devs having absolutely zero idea what they’re doing. It took me one second reading the patchnote to realize the changes were bad, I don’t even understand how they could even consider making these changes and I’m even more amazed they actually went through with it.
I gave up on Sombra tbh I’m just done with this weird favorism where heroes like hanzo or mercy get to be OP for weeks/months but the trashiest hero in the game gets even trashier for some weird reason.


Even if she some of the nerfs removed she still isn’t really getting many buffs that are useful at a high level. She needs more, and she needs different buffs.

This is true.

It always felt off to me😂

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The dev team has to realise one simple truth: downtime is Sombra’s worst enemy. Every second you spend sneaking around is a second your team is at a disadvantage; you HAVE to be able to get things done fast and make quick decisions, otherwise the character just isn’t viable.

If you like the new Sombra because ‘it gives me time to set up!’, then you’re dead weight to your team. It’s that simple.


I know your pain and I’m a Sombra and Ana main. How do you think I feel? Both of my mains have so much in common it’s not even funny.


I wouldn’t be surprised that Sombra will get even lower pick and win rate once the changes hit, people probably only try her in the first week then forget her completely

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I kept saying that sombra needs more damage to be effective since day 1.

There is no reason to pick sombra over any other dps.

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There was back then which was being an EMP Bot. Sadly I rather be that than have nothing.

If the team is weak against hack she still makes sense … but otherwise yea.

They will never go back … that would be like admitting they were wrong. They will keep adding worthless “buffs” until her pickrate is hick enough to claim that she is saved.

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I really hope they do. So far the game only has had two complete full reverts.

Which is Mei’s damage fall-off and Mercy’s revert of going back to 50 HPS.

So I pray this happens to Sombra…but who am I kidding.

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