About the arcade

Here’s the thing: I really think there’s space to include more varied types of gamemodes in the arcade, Total Mayhem or otherwise.

For example, the other day, we had Chateau FFA, Mirrored Deathmatch, and Team Deathmatch. The day before, we had Classic FFA, Hero Gauntlet, and Team Deathmatch.

Last week, we had 6v6 and 3v3 elimination at the same time.

These are just variations on the same base game mode. A lot of the time, to me at least, it can feel kind of stale. Modes like No Limits, CTF, and yes, Total Mayhem can get pushed under the bus a little.

Look dudes, Ima be upfront. Im just a selfish guy who wants to play his favorite gamemode as frequently as possible (in a non-custom game environment). But I really think we have the space to include it and other modes in the arcade more often than we do.

I’m gonna end this with a little disclaimer: I’m not trying to advocate against other game modes. Everyone’s prefered mode should see a good amount of availability. But there could be a lot of things changed so that more people are pleased more often. Remember to be civil and respectful. Thanks for reading.

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Im quite sure they give an unpaid intern dnd dice and have them roll for what gets put up for arcades besides event specific ones.

You want to know how much I play overwatch?

When ever you see Total Mayhem, I will be on…


With the amount of people that seem to like it, I’m surprised it’s not there more frequently

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It’s been 19 days till the last time, total mayhem appeared in arcade. 19!


They probably don’t want to have more modes at the same time because that would mean that the playerbase is more spread out across the other modes and it would make it harder to find a match.

Which is what happened during Archives, because of the huge amount of different gamemodes, that means there was a huge amount of different queues because everyone wanted to play something different

The more gamemodes you put in the longer your queue times are going to be and the more unfair your teams are going to be. There has been a time when I sat in the queue for MH over an hour and it was at 1-2pm during daytime in EU GMT+2:00. After getting into the game I went like 30-40 elims to 1-3 deaths since everyone else around me was platinum or below and while it was fun for me to play a live training ground I bet it wasn’t fun for the opponents or my teammates who barely got to have any input as I was basically spawn camping them

If it was so simply as to “Just add in more gamemodes 4Head” the devs would’ve already done it but if MH wasn’t as popular as it is and even now the matchmaking is pretty garbage I wouldn’t even touch the gamemode. When I go in I get plats in my team against masters because of the average MMR so when I queue with a master+ premade our queue times vary from 12-25 minutes. If all the gamemodes were available we could watch an episode of Simpsons between every game. It wouldn’t work at all

I don’t think we should add more game mode slots. I just want to change the game modes we have available. 5 slots is a good amount.

A lot of the time, the arcade will be full of variations on deathmatch or elimination. If we swap out one of those modes with something else, it could create a lot more variety and allow more people to be satisfied more often.

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Variance doesn’t ensure satisfaction especially if there’s a bigger following for other gamemodes than others. A good example is when they tried to rotate MH and the backlash was so huge that they decided to inform that the gamemode is now permanent. I think that they’re on the same page with FFA since it’s such an unique gamemode and very kind to players who want to practise heroes without a team against real players

I don’t really play these gamemodes so I don’t have an opinion one way or another about them and I’m not sure if shorter rotations between gamemodes poses some other issues from mechanical engineering standpoint, but if it wouldn’t then it sounds like a good idea

If ffa took one slot out of the arcade it would be fine. This week, though, it’s taken up three (or two) at one time. All I want to do is ensure that each slot is as unique as possible. If we avoid having multiple variations on a mode in the arcade at the same time, more people could be satisfied more frequently.

This is more of a side note, but the devs conducted a poll a while back to gague what arcade modes the forums preferred.

The top three results were Mystery Heroes, Total Mayhem, and FFA.

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Again it depends on the numbers of players on those gamemodes which only the devs know so we don’t know whether it’s a net positive for the community or not. I have to agree that if they were as popular or nearly as popular that variance would be good for the community though

While that’s the realistic pecking order of these gamemodes those numbers are only from the forums and don’t accurately represent what the playerbase plays as I remember the devs commenting that MH at one point was almost as popular as QP right after the weekly lootbox rotation in Arcade. There are considerably proportionally more players from minor gamemodes on the forums than in-game

I guess I just want everyone to have their game mode available at least semi-frequently. We’ve gone basically a month without certain game modes throughout overwatch’s life time. There is absolutely no reason why we need three different versions of the exact same game mode at the same time.

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20 days since the last total mayhem! 20! :mage:

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Dang. Days like today are perfect to include Total Mayhem. We have 3v3 and 6v6 at the same time again.

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