About Reaper's Buff

I understand some might love it and some might be scared for it to come. But, I’ll try to highlight some things that might either scare you more or help calm you.

Wraith Form: His Wraith Form was the only best thing about Reaper before the buff because oddly he was kind of weak.

Teleport: His Teleport/Shadow Step Ability is FULLY exploitable, meaning if he teleported in the wrong spot or at the wrong time, He’ll end up having the worst time of his life, But could also be useful to sneak up and push against the Enemy.

Death Blossom: This Attack was fully exploitable meaning if the enemy had a D.Va, Brigitte, Reinhardt, McCree, Zarya, Lucio, Mei, ect. They could stop Reaper Mid-Ult and could kill him almost instantly (if stunned.)

Soul Collector (Is What I Call it lol): His healing ability was really really slow. Like you’d expect him to be able to double down on a Reinhardt without having to fall back but before this buff He was forced to fall back which made it hard for Reaper to deal damage to either Reinhardt or Orisa.

So I personally love this buff because Reaper is Scary again. (Just like when He infiltrated Watchpoint Gibraltar.)

So This is why I believe the Overwatch Dev’s added this buff (Even if people thought he was strong.) But with so many Health Stealers (Brigitte, Ashe, Bastion, Orisa Even Torb!) This buff was definitely needed in my mind lol.

But feel free to express your ideas below with each other :slight_smile:

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And now the torb duel is in his favor again, I don’t think a shadowstep buff could have done that.


His self healing while using DB is going to be insane.

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In lower ranks and in QP it’s going to be a problem a huge problem.


Good, it’s relatively low damage and only works if the Reaper jumps in the middle of a group.

Now instead of being countered by everything, only cc and mobility counter it. And barriers.
And one-shots.
Basically everything good.

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Not in low ranks, he’s actually pretty underwhelming there. He just sees so much play in bronze because it’s the only rank where he’s weak instead of full on useless.


Dps meta coming… Goats been played long enough.

I guess we’ll see, I only play in QP cause comp is just too stressful for me but I’ll stop there. I’ll be locking him early on when I play since I am usually loading in first (beastly hardware) so I’ll get to see how punishing he is when it goes live. Heh heh heh heh heh.

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He dies to everything that killed him before, but enjoy busting tanks instead of being countered by them.

OKay, I do enjoy hunting and destroying Mercy and Moira cause they annoy me so much on other heroes. XD

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Do you think it needs more damage or more range?

At higher ranks he still needs perfect timing to get into the fight.
At lower ranks we will see but contrary to popular belief, he isn’t strong here. A Junk or Hanzo is way better.


I’d keep it as it is for now. Now that death blossom has redeeming qualities, players might come up with combos, like a beyblade revival.

Thats what I love about the Reapening buff, it actually helps him in much fairer ways than it’s being credited for.



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it doesnt help his pro play tho. thats my problem. sure its great at low ranks or against more cqc teams he’s still horrible at getting into position and chasing people down right. also cc still rekts his ult and him and can easily bait wraith out. he needs some type of alt fire or SS change to be quicker and less obvious where he’s moving to. like how tracer doesnt show where she’s going until she has already gone. SS has this super obvious FX that just screams “HS ME”

It puts a lot of tank match ups in his favor when most weren’t.
That’s a significant Reaper buff for pros.

reaper use teleport to skeak
after teleport Screaming like a freaking penguin (aka Sombra)


Balance in this game is such braindamage…

IDK some others may do better with their range and utility. I’m hesitant bc I’ve had my hopes before. and now that GOATS is nerfed again he may not have the matchups he needs

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Ptr reaper is a counter to close range comps. Dive will have trouble aggressing into him. GOATS and similar styles of deathball will find themselves in this situation: there shield is down or the Reaper’s past it, so now he’s turning their AoE healing against them. Wanna bunch up and never stop healing? Good news for Reaper.

I think pros just need to figure out how to enable him, all they’ve got experience with is shutting Reaper down. Reapers are also going to have to learn how to make the most of their passive, like changing tempo so you’re always healing until wraith form recharges during a fight.

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true but I was saying range still counters him and if GOATS doesnt stay around range heroes can come back. Some streamers who are high level think snipers may come back widow, Ashe, hanzo who rek reaper unless he can sneak way around unnoticed and have escapes on cooldown

true. ana anti heal tho could stop him so he’s gotta be careful

I agree but that’s gonna be an uphill battle trying to enable when everyone knows how to shutdown. hopefully theyll try. who knows maybe we’ll get a new weird comp. lucio would help him out a lot tho

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