Ability cooldown help

I started to tinker with the new ability cooldown options that were just added to the game but they do not seem to be working the way id like them to.
The mode i have made players level up as the game goes on and they spend skill points in various ways to improve their heroes.
I added a skill category for improving cooldowns but the trigger works using seconds not percentages like when you go to adjust health or move speed.
Im trying to work around this and set up a trigger that will detect the base cooldowns of everyones abilities at the begining of the match but it does seem to be working

Rule i have written is
Event - ongoing all players
-event player is in spawn room = true
-event player variable ab1_cool=0
-event player variable ab2_cool=0
-event player variable ab3_cool=0
-set event player variable ab1_cool=ability cooldown of event player secondary fire
-set event player variable ab2_cool=ability cooldown of event player ability 1
-set event player variable ab3_cool=ability cooldown of event player ability 2

Possible try to set max ability CD in settings and manage CD time regarding first level + level up boosts. Right after using an ability you just apply your amount of seconds for CD.

More info about me and my game mods you can find here.
Feel free to comment my ideas.

I had considered that but then id either have to create a rule that works for each unique abil individually or id have to set all abilities to have the same cooldown and neither of those are options that im fond of

You could do something like this

rule("Set Cooldown for Ability 1 to 25%")
		Ongoing - Each Player;

		Ability Cooldown(Event Player, Button(Ability 1)) > 0.050;

		Set Ability Cooldown(Event Player, Button(Ability 1), 0.250 * Ability Cooldown(Event Player, Button(Ability 1)));

Change the 0.250 to the percentage that you need.
The ability cooldown value returns the current cooldown value, not the max cooldown value.

Thank you very much
H2WFZ is the share code if you wanna try it for yourself