Aaaah the good old blizz staple - breaking patch!

Sound issues, Hog hook issues, Dva respawn artifacts, wrong lootbox spawning…


Sounds like you know how to do it better… They are looking for OW devs, you should apply.

  1. Sound issues are already known and being worked on
    (Sound bug on patch 1.41 - #40 by Caterpepi)
  2. Hog hook issues as in?
  3. respawn artifacts?
  4. You’ll only get normal lootboxes from Role Queue rewards and Endorsements, Event lootboxes are granted by advancing in level or getting the arcade lootboxes.

“If you find multiple bugs, create a separate thread for each one. While this may seem tedious, it is essential to our workflow as it allows our internal tools track which specific bugs have been investigated and it helps us share the workload among our team.”

^ Please do so as said above and write them in more detail so it could be investigated.