A youtube video of a game as torb in numbani

i think it was a good game. watch it and give me some tips for torb, i can always use more tips. note this is before the advice given to me in a different thread.

I used to main Torb. He got me from 1700 to 2350 with 65% win rate a few seasons back. I love the goofy little fella.

Setting advice from other thread, applies here as well…

  1. Numbani defence is traditional to put the turret on left side of the road from spawn. Makes it a real chore to destroy by attackers. But you’ve got Orisa shield there so fair enough.
  2. Just a note that if you can ever place the turret rather than lob it, place it facing the enemy rather than in a random direction. This saves 0.5 seconds of swivel and makes it far harder to corner peek and snipe.
  3. Not quite sure the lack of action after Wrecking Ball wrecked you the first time. I’d have been running to Lucio, or even just grabbing a health pack. You just stood there waiting to die.
  4. Turret under the bridge. Just ahead of the spot I was suggesting. Note that a couple of times it missed firing at an enemy as it turned 90 degrees to lock on target that was then out of los. Place it facing the point or the corner enemy comes around.
  5. You suicided into Reaper ult? Your molten load would have worked just as well from behind Orisa’s barrier. Consider your positioning and avoid over aggression.
  6. When inactive try looking around more. As your whole team was tunnel visioned on the road ahead the Reaper could have snuck out of the door to the right and ulted your whole team.
  7. Surprised you didn’t shoot Ana at least once to secure the kill. She had time to walk out of your molten load obviously.
  8. On attack when shooting Ana, at about 10 metre range I’d have considered solid shot. Shot gun spread is stupid after about 3 metres and damage drops off to virtually zero.
  9. Bashing the turret works now in bronze, but at high elo your turret will be melted in a second or two. You’d be better trying to shoot at whatever is attacking your turret.
  10. Bold play at 12.30. At higher elo, if enemy Orisa was any good, you’d be halted in your tracks and dead before you got there.

(Aside): I remember playing OW a few months after it came out and a turret on the payload was an invincible strat as high as 2400 SR. The game, and the player base has advanced a lot since then. Good finish to the round.

  1. 17.45. Classic error. Team splitting for no reason. THere’s no comms that I am aware of. Is almost impossible to coordinate flanks or split attacks. I’m expecting Junkrat to die very quickly. Not a comment about you per se, but something to watch for yourself in other games. You’ve followed the herd, which is good.

  2. Oops, spoke too soon. You went your own way and lost to the Devil Mei. Your mechanics are not yet on a par to beat a Mei in a duel. Her big weakness is focused fire, ie if you stayed with Brigitte, etc.

  3. 19.30 - I’d be spamming “group up” emote like a boss at this point. Trickling happens even in high gold games. Sometimes people just need a little reminder that the fight is over and to group up and stop feeding.

Nice flank play at the end there.

Hope these tips help.

EDIT: Saw this in other vid as well. When running away from targets, try some strafing. Or consider running backwards and shooting at the chaser to kill them or put them off their aim. That Ana had plenty of chance to kill you as you ran back to point in a straight line.

nice tips. i will try firing as i retreat and run backwards, and to be smarter about being to aggressive or too defensive at the wrong times by remembering “switch it up when under fire” dont be predictable.

The moment you put your turret in the middle of the place i thought " yes, a true bronce player". Isnt it a bit obvius that the turret must be peotected by the enviroment and not to be in the middle of the fights to be instantly destroyed?

thats where orisa stands and protects it. i found its good there but because of hamster it needs to be further back under the bridge to avoid his slam. they don’t look there they rush the corner and car.

oh yeah, i have to remember to point the turret so it fires faster.

For one, your crosshairs are the worst thing possible. Just change them to default, or somthing smaller. You need to play more agressive, deal more damage, and stay with your team. You should be using your gun more than your turret. Dont ever even bother hammering your turret unless your between fights.

i removed my videos from youtube where the turret was pointing the wrong way and i wasnt helping the team with fire and i was predictable to the enemy, here’s a new one that show me trying these strategies i got from this forum;

and i found that pointing my turret helps it fire faster which gets more kills big thanks for that tip!

you have to add fire but not at the cost of being predictable;

Uhmm. Attack Torb. If you insist on playing this, stay with your main tank and don’t try to play flank Torb. If you get decent with his gun, then you might try some cute stuff.
For now I would say just stick with the main tank, that’s usually where the healers are to be found. Lots of staggering and wasted time here. I actually don’t understand what is going on 3/4 the time.

Put your turret up high where it can see the point or in one of the health pack buildings. Try to keep it out of long enemy sightlines where they can snipe it. Make them have to push in and then have to focus away from your team to deal with it.

Just general awareness, never just stand still in the open.
Don’t use your ult just because, have a reason.
At the end there when you used molten core and the Orisa ulted as well… They still had time for one push. Save something for that unless you really needed to ult to save the point.

good tip on turret placement, up high but out of main los.
i will try that next time in volskaya industries.

i go with tanks when it makes sense to me otherwise i provide crossfire.

i ulted at the end before orisa did.