A valid reason why Mass Rez isn’t liked or returning

Mass Rez was different than every supportive ult in the game still to this day. Every other support ult would prevent death with heal boosts, or armor. They were preventative.

Lúcio: boost in hp
Moira: increased heals
Bridget: armor
Zen: heals
Ana: damage reduction
Symmetra: her teleportation ult was considered bad because it can only be used after death. Shield gem came later and helped with shield but she’s an odd ball.

All these ults could be used to STOP someone from dying but Mercy’s happened after the fact. She didn’t prevent death but just undid it. People feel much less cheated when they’re stopped from getting something than putting something in their hands then snatching it out. the argument of it not feeling good to play against actually makes sense if you look at it from this view and not just “everything is unfun”
It was designed to be a fake out.

Valkyrie although it needs buffs and I think it will get them soon, falls into the preventative category just like medicine is. Preventative.
Edit: the recent buff helps show they intend to stick with Valk.

I think this is a reasonable reason why a lot of people didn’t like it.

Let me know if I’m kind of on the nose.

Random thoughts: Mass Rez was also situational. It could only be used in response to something being dead. All the other ults could be used to engage, disengage and just in any situation. Mass Rez was not versatile and restricted by what it does.

~Truely Yours xoxo,
A Defender, And Backbone Of The Team.
Tank Mains Unite! :shield:


Nobody liked winning and then immediately losing.


For me its mostly the fact that Mass Res is used AFTER the fact.
All other support ultimate’s are used to PREVENT it happening in the first place.

It doesn’t fit with any other ultimate as its the only one that isn’t used to prevent death, it completely reverses it.
It “feels” very cheap to play against turning the game into “kill the Mercy before we can push”


That’s what I’m saying.

~Truely Yours xoxo,
A Defender, And Backbone Of The Team.
Tank Mains Unite! :shield:

It’s an ability that should have never been in the game.


And this is the reason combined with OWL and it’s mass perception why I think it should not (and will likely not ever) return - its, not a “clutch play”, it’s not a sign of an incredible skill turn around, it’s just a cheesy flip of the game. Investors don’t like pouring millions of dollars into a franchise and then having some blonde cheerleader come swooping in to utterly undo all the effort of the game to that point. Some, not all Mercy mains, love this star focus as head cheerleader and refuse to let it go, becoming one among equals which is why this forum is spammed with threads still. I will support tweaks to make her “more fun” as long as its not mass rez.


I made a very similar post the other day so I’ll just link here (it got sent to megathread so it’s locked - not about to write whole thing again ;p)

A fake out mechanic like mass Rez will probably never return. It was the only one of its kind but it was also on the most popular hero in the game. I can’t see Blizzard actually looking at it and saying “yeah let’s bring it back.” It was anti player.

~Truely Yours xoxo,
A Defender, And Backbone Of The Team.
Tank Mains Unite! :shield:


The ult probably should have fallen in line with the others from the start.

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Yeah i guess Resurrection just cant be in any game i guess, to many tank/dps whiners


It’s not really a thing you can trivialize to “DPS/tank whiners” and to say that makes it sound like there were no supports that think it was bad. It was a badly designed ability.

~Truely Yours xoxo,
A Defender, And Backbone Of The Team.
Tank Mains Unite! :shield:


I never gave it much thought at the time, but looking back and watching some old vods opened my eyes on the subject. An awful lot of games were just 10 or 15 minutes of window dressing, and then at the end the game was decided by whether or not you could kill Mercy first.

If you couldn’t get to the Mercy, you lost. Didn’t matter if you outplayed the other five people, if you didn’t get Mercy it was over.


Also, with most supports you can still burst their allies, while with mass rez you had to kill Mercy first and then quickly kill the rest, or be able to prevent her for using her ult when she came back to the battlefield

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So would you guys have theoretically been fine with the same ability if it was pressed before your team died and activated afterwards, rather than after?

It woulda been a neat counter to zarya combos anyway.

Ya I think you’re right. And in that vein, the wibdows of opportunity is WAY different. Lucio and Zen had to use their ults at make-or-break moments to save their team mates. Mercy had a 6-7 second window to just erase an epic play. Lucio and Zen ults to save their team have always been “Dude what a sick ult” kind of moment. Hide n Rez never had that feeling for anyone except Mercy players.

Good riddance to Mass Rez. Glad it’s gone.


Actually yes. If Mass Rez worked as a Zilean sort of got, that would have a lot more counter play to it and would force game time decisions instead of just yelling “die on point” into your microphone.

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An interesting thought but it still has issues.
Instead of being an ult that activity saves people, it becomes an ult of the enemy yelling “ stop shooting! Stop playing the game!”
The only counter play is to stop playing.
That and it still has mass Rez problems.

~Truely Yours xoxo,
A Defender, And Backbone Of The Team.
Tank Mains Unite! :shield:


What if mass rez just came back in the form of dmg reduction or a short invulnerability frame like the current invuln on rezzed targets so that way mercies would have to use it in response to combos rather than after the team is dead and if the invuln is only like 2s ish she would still need to time it well

If going the dmg reduction route could do like 50 or 60%

And the animation and stuff could still use the old mass rez animation tbh and alot of mercy mains could still get that same satisfaction albeit not being a mass rez

I feel like atleast this way it could be tweaked if its too powerful or too underpowered

Just throwing it out there, just because the rest of the cast has nothing like that doesn’t mean it can’t be in the game.

Tracer’s pace can’t even be matched by Lucio, Genji or Doomfist yet people jump to her defense if you even suggest that her kit is a little too powerful.


It felt like playing someone in chess, games almost over, a few moves until checkmate, and the opponent gets to turn the board around 180 degrees.