A Thesis Essay: How Symmetra Was Designed to Fail

Then the point doesn’t apply to you. Simple as.

At no point have I changed what you said like you saying I mean top 500 proves sym’s kit is balanced and good. I have said in my opinion points I feel are out of context and extreme examples these are my words, not yours.

This is an example of 1v1 and no AoE damage is considered. You use it to prove your point.
You want to make examples like comparing sym’s orbs to a mercy pistol to prove your point and not consider AoE dmg in that case. Yes, I’ll use bad examples that you use to back up your presumption to prove that you are wrong.

The only way it could be guaranteed is if they watch every orb and give it enough attention. If you want to take stuff to the extreme like in the cases literally saying @15 it is impossible to land a direct hit. Then yes you are saying people at always focused on sym orbs.

  • orbs would be terrible if it was her only part of her kit. Sym shouldn’t be Junkrat like, Mei shouldn’t be Widow.
  • With focus it is easy to dodge many projectiles in the game, sym’s orbs still have value in holding space and give sym a ranged option and keep people’s attention. Don’t consider this then you can’t create a balanced argument.
  • Your comparison doesn’t consider destroying tp at different times so it is flawed. Team tp’s through and is destroyed or you tp bomb and destroy. The cooldown difference then is much less. Also, recontest tp’s more and make up for this difference in my opinion. You may not like the playstyle, doesn’t make it trash.
  • Her down does suck and I can agree somewhat on this but it comes with a price if your in a place where you have 3 turrets out and 3 on cooldown it’s a huge advantage and I feel is a part of her risk/reward.

Yes, counterpoint some that you call anecdotal with more anecdotal stuff.
Top 10 vs tanks and heal as well … (so she’s in the top 30% of all heros.)
She is the 5th highest winrate dps. 5 (top 35% of dps)
Don’t know what you’re trying to prove with this. I don’t really take the data to prove anything seriously but if that data was accurate I’d say she was balanced but hard to play and be done. I do know overbuff data and winrate data isn’t a good way to judge balance only to know what’s popular.

Either way, this is a massive sidetrack. Like I said if you only think sym is niche in one place in the game in one comp and now are using overbuff stats to back that up. I don’t feel you have a fair and balanced opinion on how Sym is. Disagree that’s fine.