A suggestion: The community ambassador project

Vote for hulk as your community ambassador. He will make your voices heard and will ensure the very best for the future of the game! He will stand for all oppressed players, A true voice of reason
He Will hold a debate for each issue that is raised to him with another elected member of the forum so that we can always see both sides of each element and issue

that could work as well to be honest, thats kinda why i said either represent or show their own ideas…

i saw that “emphasized text”

also u and your :lock: threads got our ability to put emojis removed u.u


This doesn’t seem like such a bad idea, but there needs to be a lot of thought to go into designing such a system… And even more importantly, the ambassador selection process must be so well thought - out as well that it’s pretty much flawless…

The majority of Forum users for example are so biased, have a bad relationship with even facts and are sometimes in denial that it hurts and if they’re put into a position of relative power that could be catastrophical for the game…

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Obviously, I should be a CA, as I’m the best person to ever exist

Would suggestions be restricted to game balance?

can we make it so that such representatives collectively have actuals mains for every hero?

like an issue for sym is that many people that think of sym gameplay they just think of sym2.0 gameplay when very clearly the 3.0 rework was intended to move away from that (not that infinite tp and double shield meta helped with that perception). People actually learnt sym3.0 know that she isn’t supposed to be a passive tower defence like old sym2.0 was, but unfortunately we’re the minority in the community.

yep, that is the main challenge with the system,


that would be a good idea, but id rather we choose the best people for the job based on their ability to be constructive rather than on the hero they play…

dont worry tho i used to be a symmetra main :stuck_out_tongue:

i dont think so? they could probably extend further

edit: i just realized i accidentally quoted taiga on the OP lol

There’s no way I’d be able to represent this community with a straight face as many people are just objectively wrong when it comes to balance etc. They live in this weird alternate universe where DPS is somehow the strongest heroes despite the fact that anyone who’s anything at this game say that Tanks and Supports are the most broken thing.

So many dumb conspiracies about how the DEVs favor this and that, and how a single streamer can get a hero nerfed. I mean come on!

It would be far better if the forum didn’t exist because nothing good comes out of it.

then you could go for the alternate route and have the CAs mostly be reasonable members of the community to offer feedback, while still keeping an eye on them seeing what the others want

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Sure but I struggle to see how the community would get behind that tbh.

i dont see whats funny?

Vote me or else. :tipping_hand_man:

You don’t have to main a hero to understand and fight for their balance, but it probably wouldn’t hurt to have people from various playstyles.

I think the less biased a person is, the better. There are lots of people who may be biased (we all are to an extent) but are able to put that aside in favor of logic and objectivity. Taiga’s a good example of that, I think. Just the first one who came to mind. XP

I try to do that, but I’m nowhere near knowledgeable enough about game development to offer any real input, so I’d be terrible at this. XD

But yeah, I do think that’d be a key trait when determining someone’s eligibility for this. You don’t want biased X mains trying to steer the game toward their hero too heavily, and only pick and choose balance threads to highlight, etc.

I once asked about an idea like this. One of Blizzard’s core values is that “Every Voice Matters” which for the forums means that every person should have the right and ability to express themselves on the forums and other channels (reddit, social media, etc.) without going through what essentially would be a middle man.

It is important to also remember that technically we have community mangers, who are hired and trained representatives of Blizzard who is in charge of collecting feedback from places like the forums and reddit, along with making projects that give opportunities for the community to interact with the development team, esports, and other facets of Blizzard. I myself tried to apply for the community manager role last year, but was turned down unfortunately (mostly due to a lack of experience). Should the position ever come up again I will try to apply again if I feel it is the right opportunity for me, right now I am extremely focused on my school work and completing my degree. (Kinda the main reason why I have not been on the forums as much as I would like.)

I would also like to remind everybody that forum MVPs technically do not have a direct means of contact to the development team, I do have the means to reach out to CM Molly (which I only do so in a case of extreme emergencies where something has gone so wrong with the game itself that I’m trying to get a quick answer) and I also have a talking relationship with lead engineer Bill Warnecke, which for the most part is pretty well limited to talking about what happened when something did go wrong (such as a major server outage) or just getting his confirmation that he still endorses me for any time I do apply for a job that is related to my role as a forum MVP. In any case any other contact to any Blizzard representative (especially that of Blizzard customer service) I have is purely for the purposes a fulfilling my role as a forum MVP, which is to provide assistance for players to be able to play Blizzard’s games.

I have asked if we could ever establish a Overwatch community MVP program (note that I am part of the Blizzard customer service and technical support MVP program), but that would have to come down to the decision of Overwatch’s community managers. I will note there is such a thing as community MVP programs as World of Warcraft currently operates one. this is probably something more in line of what you guys are looking for, but in the end, MVP programs are more about helping the players more than trying to communicate with the development team to try and influence the state of the game.


What no Batphone?

MVP have powerful led lamp they shine Blizzard logo on the clouds, too call for DEV. /s

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With the development team no. I can reach out to blizzard customer service quickly, but only do so when it’s a matter of trying to help out other players with technical issues.

the would still have the right to do it, the issue is that i want to give a more direct line of communication,

the pros/streamers have one, so i dont see why a select few community members cant have one either,

the idea is mostly to add another avenue of feedback for the developers, this doesnt mean they dont have to look at the forums anymoer, it mostly means that they have a more direct line of communication with a select group of a bigger one,

similarly, they dont have all youtubers/pros/streamers in that dev discord…only a portion (probably)

the idea is like i said, they have a direct line of communication with everyone except the community, i want to generate one

They actually really don’t, that little discord session was a one-time thing. Now community managers do communicate with content creators on a variety of subjects mostly focused towards promoting each of those content creator’s channels, and to be clear every video game team has community managers who do this because it’s a win-win for both the development team and the community content creators. But those same community managers also manage the feedback they get from these forums.

are you sure? we got multiple images speaking about briggite lately, which by the moment we first heared of it, she wasnt even an issue,

but if we dont anymore, lets make it,

extend this to some select pros/streamers that are also known for constructivism and invite them, even better, we get representatives for every rank

im sure community managers do this, but, i cant say that ive seen them arround the forums in a long time, especially not doing what i propose