A shoutout to my favorite people

Just want to give a big thanks to my current favorite people in game. The random duo who instant locks Main Tank-Support or Support-Support in QPC every match.

I totally get you are doing it in QPC because you like winning, and having those roles in this mode is a huge leg up on the other team, so I’m not saying you’re selfless or anything.

But as one of the “selfish” people who are playing QPC so I can dodge 15 minute queue times(plus rematches are fun too), you guys give the mode some stability and help keep it from just turning into death match every game.

So a huge thanks from this Sombra main. I’ll continue picking you up from spawn, making packs for you, comboing EMP so you can get PotG, and peeling relentlessly as a small token of my appreciation.

You guys are awesome and let me OT my favorite character without spending 75% of my time waiting on matches.



glad you enjoy qp classic

this is by far my favorite game mode at this time

I will as a support main say, tho - and not apologetically, just matter-of-fact-ly - Sombra is very hard to support.

Many support actions give her position away, what few times she is even close enough to be healed

I wish there was a solid way to support her

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New QP lost a ton of it’s charm with rolelock.

I completely get why they made every match go back to queue, but stumbling into a good lobby and battling back and forth for 5-6 quicker “rematches” was some of the most fun this game had for someone who usually solo queues. Kinda sucks that only can happen in QPC now.

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Honestly, some of us legitimately enjoy tank/support and just hate roleq that much.


On the bright side, she doesn’t need that much, and can easily get to a more supportable position when she does.

I’ve also seen some gutsy Mercies (Mercys?) take advantage of my approach paths to fly across and damage boost me when I unstealth. It almost feels cheap letting Sombra kill stuff quickly, especially since the Mercy flying by draws everyone’s attention away long enough to pick off a healer.

Not to say that’s easy, either, of course. You have to trust teammates to give you a way back out afterward.

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I do it for boxes and I miss Classic sometimes.

I don’t even like the dps role that much at this point, Sigma’s more fun.

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All the supports I play have guns so I just make sure to shoot her Hacked targets.

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I completely agree. Like sure, I love heals during a hectic fight as much as anyone. Lets me stick around and land that second or third hack. And I LOVE Discord, makes her tickle gun just melt through stuff. Repair Pack when she destealths is also fantastic.

But honestly, the best support a good Sombra needs is just keeping those other 4 alive. If the team has a solid base that can’t be ignored I get way more freedom to roam and harass. If the team is dying quick, suddenly red team can turn around and spend more time hunting me down in the back.

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