A serious question to people who prefer Mercy 2.0

I’ve been playing her a lot since she got her Pink skin, and Valk has been my favorite part of it so far. I love the flying. It’d be too short on an E ability.

I enjoy the new GA. It is the part of her new kit which they got right!

I’d be happy to either get Rez back or to lose Rez for something else.

I’d love an E which gave flight for a second or 2. Enough to get some height to get to someone on a higher platform, some extra healing, and that is it for the next 10 seconds.

I’d be happy.

If you want changes to Mercy, #boycottMercy. Look at what Jeff mentions, pick rate. It’s all about the pick rate always.

I do honestly. Though I wish they found a way to tie mass resurrection with Valkyrie,since Valkyrie is an enhancement to her natural abilities.

When resurrecting while in Valk. Any fallen teammate with 10 meter will be resurrected to.

Yes, but I’m not sure how seriously Blizzard will take requests for another rework if they dismissed requests for a revert, so I’m sticking to asking Blizz for smaller tweaks.

That said, I’m not sure how seriously Blizzard take any Mercy requests, but it doesn’t feel right to be completely silent.

There’s a nifty idea floating around on the megathread to rework Valkyrie. It takes rez off of E and locks it behind valk, which is shortened to around 8 seconds or so.

Mercy would get one free charge of rez (single target, and almost instant cast) to use during Valkyrie, but can earn more by “overcharging” her ult meter after Valk becomes available. Every extra time Mercy fills the meter gives her another charge of rez (This stacks up to 5). All remaining rez charges disappear at the conclusion of Valkyrie.

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I like it, but I highly doubt that devs will even consider looking at the idea.