A Rein Main's Birthday Wish 🍰

Hello everyone,

Tomorrow marks my completion of yet another journey around our beloved star, the Sun; 31 revolutions around our Sun and somewhere in the neighborhood of 2.9 billion miles (rough maths lol) progressed around the center of the Milky Way galaxy on this giant, rocky space ship we call “Earth.”

I’ve seen some sights; I’ve loved, hated, longed, had, and lost; my journey through space and time has not been uneventful and, however insignificant to the cosmos in whole, have been party to some incredible events.

There are many things one could wish for these days, with technology blossoming like a wildfire on a dry hillside, I could ask for so many things; fame, fortune, world peace, or just peace of mind are all things that could be on my list of desirables. But, this is not the crowd to appeal to for such things and I’m well aware of that.

All other desires aside, I’ve come here to ask from Blizzard and their team of Overwatch developers for one simple thing:

Could we Rein mains please have a comprehensive update on the state of Reinhardt, his bugs, the recent change to shield deployment/melee interaction, and where you see him in the near future?

Thank you for hearing me out.


Reinhardt main

“Live with honor. Die, with glory.”


Happy almost birthday!

Hopefully we get something tomorrow :frowning:

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Happy rein main to you
Happy rein main to you

Happy rein main happy rein main

Happy rein main to you



Just kidding. I actually love your comment. I chuckled.


May your shield always be strong and never fail you. May your hammer be swift and fierce. May your charges seed fear in your enemies hearts and may the earth shiver when you yell your ultimate warcry: “Hammer down!”

Happy almost birthday.

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happy Un-birthday to you…and to almost everyone else. As far as your wish goes, I’d be very surprised if they aren’t working on it. The league had Fissure’s POV as he somehow shattered the roof of Nepal’s village square. And there’s been a lot of “well that earthshatter should have gotten more/less than it did” throughout the first year of casting. It’s been embarrassing for them to see such big bugs broadcast so clearly.

But as for updates on his bug fixes, well, bug fixes aren’t exciting, and don’t get talked about. A Torb/Sym/Hanzo rework is worth getting hyped about, even if you don’t play them. Same with nerfs to OP characters. But Doomfist’s steady stream of bug fixes never got talked about. It’d be exciting news for Rein Mains, but no one else.

I think the big difference between the big reworks and Rein bug-fixes is that nobody with a good sense for the game thinks Rein needs a rework. Certainly, none of his mains feel that he does. I do think I speak for a lot of the Rein mains out there when I say we’d be very hyped to see a big orange reply to one of the many threads detailing the progress being made on Reins kit/coding.

Anyway, here’s an early gift from me to the community. This was from a warm-up in Quickplay just minutes ago, enjoy :sunglasses:


Here in Spain is your birthday now. Happy Birthday!

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Happy Birthday ^.^

Have an excited bunny


sniff sniff spoken like a true rein main brother :cry::cry:

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Happy birthday! I do hope your wishes come true

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Happy Birthday :cake: :balloon: :confetti_ball:

And happy one year closer to death hate to be a downer but you know it’s true also congrats on finding this

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Thanks for all the well-wishes!! :grinning: :heart:

Now, we wait for 2pm est to see if Blizz has any news :crossed_fingers:

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Happy Birthday! Enjoy some Beer and Brats for our German Muscle Man!


May you shield hold fast against the common enemy.

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This picture has made my morning :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Happy official birthday!


Happy birthday.

One day Rein will see justice.
One day!

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Happy early birthday~

I hope it’s an amazing one :smiley:

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