A question to everybody here. Why is it that

Every time I play Mercy, I get solo ulted and called slurs along with comparisons on how I’m worse than people who unalive others irl? She’s already nerfed to the ground and not good in many situations. Why the unnecessary hate?

I’ve never seen such a thing. People generally appreciate mercy mains in my games as they should!


That has nothing to do with you playing Mercy, that’s just the OW community.


Somebody got Glock by the moth game beforehand unfortunately you are the victim because of it.

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It’s that they believe that Mercy takes “no skill whatsoever” sprinkled with a bit of misogyny on the side. They’ll get mad at me for saying that though.


Why would someone ever be mad that you just randomly make misogyny accusations for no reason?

Theres plenty of reasons to not like any character in this game. some are more targeted for hate than others, some players think they are targeted more than they actually are and play victim.

It’s bevause this community hates Mercy and Mercy players.

Most topics against Mercy contain insults in the OP and then later on in the topic complains that OP is flagged for them.

Fact that literally blizzard employees added to this by making hateful comments against Mercy players didn’t help to combat that phenomenon.

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It wasn’t even hate , they would continuously kinda mock her, it was a crime they didn’t value the mercy playerbase they had.

They didn’t realise what overwatch achieved for the first time a fps game has casual audience in floods , mercy main is not a simple thing at that point you had this playerbase that was willingly playing to support others.

That whole debacle after moth meta nerfs and not addressing massive requests and ignoring them led.to first wave of players leaving the game not just any players but people that were happy to play support.
It was dumb Blizzard didn’t realise the value of this but valued tubers seagull who whined about everything, dude whined about dive too and then later says it was the best meta and also abandoned the game.

Blizzard lost a lot in that one interaction, not just the players who left but also that casuals won’t be treated well and that this was some serious game.

It also showcased that at any point blizzard can ruin your hero you have sunk hours into and won’t bother how much ever you asked .
If they could do that to mercy and her vocal playerbase others didn’t even stand a chance.


Everyone cites launch brig , goats and rq as the downfall while it would be true interms of numbers , the real downfall started after the moth meta nerfs and mercy playerbase wasn’t even addressed for.long.


Well yeah… kind of.

I am not tracing where it all started, but I would agree that MOTH meta was the start of this. That wasn’t my point at all. Yes, blizzard mocked Mercy players for years. A lot ofnus left, and a lot of us were people that spend money on skins in f2p games. But that’s not my point either.

All I wanted to say is that blizzard employees quite literally spew hate on Mercy players. And, in my opinion, it is unacceptable. You don’t spread hate about any players of your games. That’s like basic decency. And yes, those guys did it not from official blizzard accounts, but from their private accounts. But they still should be held accountable.

But, if we are talking about MOTH meta it is even worse than that. Yes, nerfs to MOTH were necessary, but it’s not like we didn’t said that when we saw the rework. Mercy mains jumped in immediately and said that this is stupidly broken and shouldn’t go.live, ever. Everyone (almost) called us “crybabies that just need to deal with the changes and losing MR.”. Well, we did and showed everyone that the rework was terrible idea. Not because it wasn’t needed (it wasn’t btw) but because it was not thought through.

With that Blizzard showed everyone that they don’t care. If a very dedicated playerbase tell you that hero is too strong in a version you present you should stop and think about it… assuming that you actually care.

So yeah. You are right in a way. MOTH meta was the beginning of the end.

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It’s not for no reason. Were you around in the beginning days of Overwatch? Well I was, and I mained Mercy back then. I also have a feminine voice. Do you think I had a great time in PS4 voice chats in Masters?

I was so ready to explain that. But then couldn’t explain the rest. :joy: