A question about the ranked development process

So I heard a while ago that Blizzard originally made comp 6-stack exclusive. What I mean by that is that only 6 stacks could go into comp and nothing else.

So my question is, why did they change that? This may not be true but even if it isn’t I would like to discuss the idea of 6-stack only comp.

people raged when they found out there would be no solo queue.

let’s say they did do only 6 stack ranked from the get go. How would you find your teammates?

meet them in QP? That would take forever.

Implement an LFG from the start? it’s really awesome that we have the computer find us teammates, however broken it is…which I don’t think the current solo ranked mode is super terrible.

Yes, they did originally start with 6stacks for competitive – makes sense considering this is a team-based game – but the playerbase freaked out that solo queue wasn’t an option, so now here we are.

I think it’d be easy for Blizzard to implement a role queue which would solve the problem of people who want to solo queue and people who want to play in a group.

In current solo queue, I can’t count how many times I’ve had 3 mercy mains on my team or 5 DPS players who can’t flex to support. Having a mandatory role queue would at least help prevent being grouped with a team that has a bunch of people 1tricking the same hero.

Issue w/ solo queue is that people literally determine whether you win/lose. Unless you’re two tiers above where you want to be, you can’t carry.


Competitive should be six stack only. How would you meet your potential future team? Uh, I don’t know, the blizzard forums? Six buddies that you already know that want to play overwatch? Facebook? Quickplay? There is too many avenues one could take to find a team. Now if people utilize that or not is a whole different topic.

Overwatch should take a example from red dead 2, rockstar made their game within the vision they had for it and didn’t detour for anybody. People either love it or hate it. Overwatch was obviously originally meant to be played a certain way, everything should fundamentally support that and nothing should go against it.