A proposal to deter leavers in Overwatch - Return to Match & Low-Priority Queue

They no longer adjust the SR calculation for a leaver. This is done to actually prevent bullying other players into leaving games. See this older post:

Suspension times start at 10-minutes right now (which as mentioned are not a problem to a serial leaver with multiple accounts), but they really can’t increase suspension times because they do have to consider those with disconnections. Of course, increasing SR loss will never be used as a deterrent.

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I made a mistake, I was drafting several tables when I was developing this proposal. I posted the wrong one. Its fixed now.

Oh that’s is new to me, i didn’t know that it was adjusted at the beginning.

Anyway that is really lame way to deal with bulling/exploiting the mechanics.
Just for example, they can limit the time per player that can get value from someone leaving in his team, for example 1 per 10 games.

But if that is their attitude to this big issue, which is worse imo than smurfs and equal to hard throwing\trolling but more common than them, then it’s a lost cause.

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Season 1 was really bad for leavers and toxicity. I think leavers are becoming a pinch of a problem again (why I started this thread), but it is not as bad as it was back then.

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I have no idea. Technically speaking, I mean.

Probably starting with IP checks if more than one account logs from the same place regularly, you send emails asking for the link, citing the 3-accounts limit article on the ToS? I know some places like university campi share IP with the students, but Blizzard can deal with the exceptions as they happens.


It’s starting when ppl get frustrated and don’t care anymore. Put them in long Q will just make them quit the game, if you don’t want them at all just ban them from Competitive.

And that even disregarding the dc, and the servers issue of blizzard itself, it’s quiet common issue when the dc is from the server side.
That is why i’m not big fan of punishments and that’s why it the main solution need to come from other directions.


A fine suggestion for comp, but not for quickplay or arcade. Matchmaking for those modes is garbage - there are multiple threads on it. I’ve no intention of playing in games against opponents that massively outrank me, which happens frequently enough that I would be concerned about leaver penalties. Nor am I going to play in a 5 dps comp that doesn’t select their heroes until after the penalty grace time has expired.

When certain parties begin to take the matchmaking more seriously, then perhaps there would be a case for an increased penalty in casual modes. Not before.


to be fair… maybe trimming these people from the game might reduce overall toxicity and make the game better for everyone…
like trimming the dead branch so the rest of the tree flourishes…

I see your point on how the main solution could come from other directions other than punishments, but at this stage I don’t see a viable solution available.

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whole issue is about why somebody left the game… it could be multitude of reasons and we dont know what caoused to leave… obviously there are people who just leave game because they got tilted or troll others… but there are cases out of players control

Most of the time it is in their control which is exactly why the penalties should be harsher.

The “widowmaker vs widowmaker” statement goes into the exploration of the matter in regards to why specific groups of people are leaving in the first place. I will discuss that further down in the post :stuck_out_tongue:

We have to examine the Underlying cause as to what motivates a person to press “leave” in the first place. Before we can decide IF such punishments and discouragement should be addressed. This should be the first process into solving the problem. Not by penalizing the leaver from Casual. (competitive is another discussion) :slight_smile:

People are here to Game and enjoy overwatch. Youtube streamers discuss that Overwatch has become a “chore” when the game is turned on. It is the frustration players now have with the game, which motivates a person to turn off the game or press “leave”. I NEVER recall this many leavers in Casual play until they announced that they were revising match maker in 2017. Which Jeff Hinted sometime Q3-Q4 that year, they would be doing so. Then when they did it. That is really what caused it.

What I see in matches is that 8.5 out of 10 games.

If the team I am on, has people that bought new accounts and were placed against a team with Older accounts. The team with MORE, new accounts LOSE generally. That doesn’t motivate ANYONE to want to try or even stick around to play.

I am not saying every new account is a bad player. I am stating that if a person was an all-star soccer player and the coach gave them ALL rookie team-mates. Wouldn’t that make a person not want to try and play the game or just walk off the field? Id rightly say it would. :cry:

Which leads us into the “Widow v widow SABO match”. I call it a “sabo match” because the game’s match maker has LITERALLY picked from a pool of people that ONLY play widowmaker and put them each, on opposite teams. We aren’t talking about someone with 60 hours, but roughly 150-300 hours. The one thing that every game has, is a sniper class and everyone that plays sniper thinks they are from some war-movie where the snipers are going to duel.

I dont see any other Class in this game that duels. and of course, this game has a VERY bad habbit of thinking it needs to do exactly that. I still play Tracer and haven’t played widow in awhile, and it STILL pulls a widowmaker main from the pool of available players. Thinking im going to play WM. Which I am not. Then the game itself becomes a loss, until I decide to play the class I am best at, which is widowmaker. So the game is balancing around what people play most, and that isn’t always a good thing.

So, Even if I took to playing widowmaker that match and started rolling the other team with the use of that character. The VERY first person that rage-quit the match, the match maker would DELIBERATELY pull a Widowmain as the NEXT person to backfill the slot missing. 100% guarantee. :pensive:

Should the match maker do this? No. It should be PULLING a random player to fill that match, with EQUAL or slightly LESS skill rating.

The false assumption that the only way to defeat widow is with a widowmaker is why we have this problem in the first place. A good counter to her is Sombra. Sombra does this best.

Which is WHY we come to the next issue of Leavers and fillers.

A filler OFTEN dropped into the match will be someone MORE skilled. I know they are trying to fill the match with players with slightly MORE skill, so the game still continues to go at the same pace. BUT often, it places players with TOO high of a skill rating to attempt to balance the match.

I’ve seen it MORE than once, Where 3 people on the other team leave because they got rolled, on a 3-part single CP match. The first match is a TOTAL loss to that team. They have 3-4 people whom bail on the match. The next game it backfills enemies that are 3x the skill and guess what… The winning team from the LAST game LEAVES. Ive been there for PLENTY of “this match has been cancelled” to 5 leavers at once. Because everyone felt as though the RE-stack was UNFAIR.

Yes. I’ve kept track of this match maker VERY closely. Ive logged 424 files ALONE on what match maker is doing and its behavior. to back my discoveries on this. So my thoughts stand. If revisions are NOT made. The game will continue to have Leavers, and less players wanting to turn on the game.

Since Blizzard already allows NEW accounts to que into competitive play. There will always be problems, until accountability for Competitive play is there for everyone or they decide to take another approach to this, and PLZ nobody say “mobile authentication” anyone can buy a “burn phone” and still do this.


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Because it’s my time, that’s why. :unamused:

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I’ll tell you why I leave QP matches:

  • 5 dps that is not working no matter what I switch too, and they don’t switch.
  • Allies picking heroes who get hard countered and are unable to contribute to the team and still don’t switch.
  • Allies picking healers and refusing to heal you (either because they outright refuse to, or because they are content with just healing the tank and dpsing, or because they only pocket their premade, or because they are just dpsing)
  • Tricklers
  • Feeders
  • Grievers
  • Chatwheel spammers

As I see it, anyone doing any of the above (let’s call them throwers) has forfeited their right to expect their allies to play to win or to play at all.

You seem to expect to reward the thrower’s attitude by forcing me to stay in that “match”.

You might say that some allies could be playing to win, and that by leaving I am making their game worse, but that’s on the throwers, not on me.

Think of it as a group of 6 students. At least one of them is bullying one of the others. Do you expect the bullied student to stay in the group just because the other 4 students are not bullying him/her?


I tend to get disconnected every so often. My router would decide randomly to reset itself. We replaced the router and it still does it sometimes. It’s very aggravating, I can’t keep spending money on routers.

That being said, nothing pisses me off more than people who leave Capture the Flag games the second their team loses one flag. Never mind that I’ve seen teams down 2-0 bring it back for a win, these people just give up before the game has even started. I just report them immediately. On the Xbox, you can report people through the dashboard for “quitting early”, which is just perfect.

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I think its been adequately demonstrated via this ongoing discussion that increasing leaver penalties for comp and casual modes is non-viable at this time until certain fundamental issues with the game are addressed.

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The thing is, dc have nothing to do with toxicity…
And if you just want to get ride all of them, then just increase the penalty a bit and eventually some of them will get banned from Competitive, instead of investing of creating (more) complicated Q system.

And there are other solutions to this in different direction and it isn’t only about SR gain and loss.

A bit more controversial from the playbase side maybe, but you can change the game settings a bit when someone leave/dc.

For example taking the idea from CS:GO and converting it into OW.
When someone leave, there is an AI Bot instead of him(bad for OW, not relevant)
The special thing about it, when a real player die there he can swap with the AI Bot - it’s technically one Rez.

So what you can do in OW?
Give 1 possibility of Rez every 30 seconds.
Someone die? He can Rez himself if no other one did that in the 30 seconds window.

If that is too much, then every 45 or 60 seconds, basically they should balance it to the point which the team without the leaver/dc still have 60%~75% chance to win the game, so it won’t be exploitable buy bullies or others, and yet not 99% chance to win like they have now 6v5.

Other more simple game settings changes are from 30+ second of absence of a player in one team, add 10% health to all of the remaining players.
Or even less, so it’s still will be 60%~75% favorable to the team without the dc/leaver, so it won’t be exploitable.

Btw those ideas are even better for QP.
It’s crazy ideas i know but hell they should changing something about it, this is a real issue.

it’s for sure a push in the right direction. I think we all can agree leavers no matter if they have multiple accounts or not suck and this needs to happen in some form.

How about fixing the issue causing people to leave in the first place? Let me just explain a thing from the perspective of someone who leaves QP matches a lot of times. This actually happened in one fight.

The match started out with 1 healer (me), 1 tank and 4 DPS. Of the 4 DPS we had a Genji (of course), a Hanzo, A widowmaker and Ashe. The opposing team was running Roadhog, Orisa, Mercy, Brigitte, Junkrat and Hanzo. The map was Hanamura, on attack. Just out of spawn it was clear that we didn’t have the required tools to punch through their defence. Genji was just running around and dying, Widow was “only practising” and the remaining 2 had little impact either. So I asked “could we get some better DPS please”. The answer was “lol only QP go play competitive if tryharding”. After 3 minutes of dying, I left. It wasn’t even remotely fun.

Now you might say that this is just one case, but after 700 hours in QP since 2016, I can honestly say that this experience is more common than an exception. I have numerous examples over the years with the same result. Equally boring are the fights where we’re playing 2-2-2 and the opposing team is running around in what ever mode and keep dying easily because they don’t swap or counter the stack.

This is how QP has played out of years. And is why people just end up leaving matches. Where is the fun playing a team based shooter, when you’re the only one playing it as a team based shooter?

So OP, you say to deter leavers i overwatch. I say that’s starting at the wrong end of the stick of problems. That’s the end of the stick, when everything else along the stick works. Right now we’re still at the beginning of the stick, going nowhere.


In the end, it still comes down to the fact that you’re leaving because you’re losing in a video game. Look, you’re going to lose. You’re going to lose a lot; that’s just part of playing games of any sort with other people.

Overwatch games, particularly in Quick Play, are short. If you’re not happy about how the team performed, duck out for a few minutes after the game. Maybe put some of those people on your avoid list for a time in order to keep them away for a few days. But when you start leaving, you’re part of the problem.


to be honest, The way i see it, in this game most of the leavers are people who are just tired of playing in a 3~4 dps team and they leave.

If they make a low priority match, I won’t be surprised if they have better game quality than normal matches.