A proposal to deter leavers in Overwatch - Return to Match & Low-Priority Queue

I think the actual solution would be forced link between the extra accounts, because in the ToS you have a hard limit on accounts (three), but there is no current obligation to tell Blizzard you own 4+ accounts.

If you link your accounts, any suspension that affects one should have some consequence on the others. Even if it’s not the same one. This low priority queue would be a good option for alt accounts.


But how do you enforce this? How do you get a player to report which accounts they control?

I like the spectator idea. Why should someone be rewarded for leaving a game by being able to join a new one instantly? Let them be stuck having to play/view the game they left until its reached its conclusion.

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I think you need to survey why people leave games. In comp, you should never leave. In QP, there are many reasons one might leave. Here’s why I leave a QP game. I assume the matchmaker is putting me with people who have like SR. We can play at the same level. If the game is going south, we have a good comp but are still losing every engagement, I assume people are playing ‘casually’ and don’t care to put in the effort. I don’t care if we win or lose, I just want a good game. If my teammates are not rising to the occasion, I’m not gonna waste my time. This is MY TIME. My time to entertain myself with some gameplay. Why should I waste my time with a bunch of players who don’t care to even try to win?

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I like this but sometimes I disconnect which is out of my control. It is frustrating but sucks for everyone. Sometimes I leave qp because it’s all snipers and is so annoying

Why is your time more any more important than that of your teammates?


If you are disconnecting frequently troubleshooting is available to isolate, identify and possibly correct the issue. Right now the current rules do penalize players who disconnect equally to that of deliberate leavers. Besides, there is no way to tell the difference between a true disconnection and one caused deliberately.

True but again, the problems of leavers affecting casual matches are more relevant than those who simply don’t like the match. When a player leaves a casual match it can sometimes take a very long time to resolve by getting a player to backfil, that is not fair for the remaining player in my opinion. Same goes getting stuck backfilling into a casual game.


So does LPQ not award SR? It’s just people trolling each other until they “finish” their time-out?

The match would still be official in my vision of this idea. Players would still need to play seriously if they want to win.

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Because it’s my time and I play my best – that’s fun for me. If I only have an hour to play, I want some good games in that hour – not having to deal with a 3-stack that’s just trolling for the evening.

I try to queue with like-minded friends as much as I can, but sometimes you can’t.

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Nevertheless as you can see from my replies, I believe there is more problems with players being able to finish casual matches without players selfishly bailing at the first sign of trouble. Your statement confirms that quick play can be a mess sometimes, but I remember when the community would play for hours on end when the game first came out, there was no comps, there was no meta, we just played and have fun. Very few players left games early. That is what casual games like Quick Play are suppose to be for.

Sadly in my opinion the introduction of Competitive play did divide the concepts of trying your best and having fun and “its just quick play” but that was expected. Again, I think by sanctioning prolific behavior of constantly leaving casual games, players will be less likely to leave a match just because they don’t like their teammates or the comp. In my demonstrated table, I list it would take 3 games to even start a simple 5 minute low-priority queue. Just enough to give players the option to leave when they absolutely need to but tighten up on leaving for poor reasons.


Return to match would be nice for unintentional leaves. The other day, I had a match where I was absolutely destroying with Sombra (not exactly a common occurrence for me) and I crashed out! I would have loved a way to get back into that game.

Plus I could have explained why I left and apologized to my team.


It does really suck to have people leave QP with the sentiment of ‘it’s just quick play’ because to a lot of people it IS the game to them. I very rarely play comp, and spend most of my time in the arcade and quickplay, and those modes constantly being considered ‘less than’ competitive just sucks for those that do them exclusively, or at least mostly. Leavers ( intentional ones ) can honestly ruin a game for everyone involved. It just sucks.


I have never seen so many leavers until this game.

If I didn’t know any better, I’d say the problem is the game itself :thinking:


The idea is good but leave quick play out of it. Where you get placed against 6 stacks as 6 solo, get the same map you hate on defense 3 times in a row (happened yesterday), get matched with 5 dps instalocked etc people WILL leave those games. Not to mention since backfill exists at least quick play should have the option to leave for answering a doorbell or phone call once in a while without punishment.


As mentioned, leaving once to handle personal matters would not be punishing. Such activities you would not normally be instantly requeuing, and if that behavior is not constant, it would not trigger a low-priority queue. Please thoroughly read my post.


Wyoming Mist. I never use to press “leave” during a casual game mode. Now, I do

That is BECAUSE the difference in Match quality is significantly WORSE than it was PRE 2017. Now I use it often. The games get out of hand. People act very bad, so why would anyone want to even play this game much, now. Leaving is a way to provide a solace between what thread of hope this game can hold onto.

The match maker undoubtedly has caused the BIGGEST exodus from this game from all aspects.

A person has to understand WHY “leave” is pressed. Usually that comes down to. (top 3, but not all reasons listed)

  • focused Player harassment is #1.

  • Widow v widow dueling as #2

  • Unfairly stacked teams #3

If Blizzard wants to “throw us a bone”. and make matches that are more fair and work towards ENDING player frustration. I can see a reasonable approach to this enforcement. BUT since this game’s priority is built around matches that have THEIR system building games the way they do. It is always going to be this way. If this game begins to strictly enforce Casual game-leaving than this game will NOT stand the test of time.

1 ) People are TIRED of the team where a Single, solo que player has to face AGAINST a stacked team, as well as a STACKED team they might be placed on. We can go over ALL the aspects of bullying there, that occurs. Everything from the DEMANDING “team stack” to the team stacks we face as a solo que player. Lets face it. Team stacks GET to coordinate and chose WHOM they attack.

2 ) The widow mains being paired AGAINST one another is NOT good game building model. AT ALL. Each time the system decides that it is “okay” to put a widowmaker main on each team in a match. What do those two do. THEY fight and duel until one rage-quits or other team members are fedup with a game that is going NOWHERE. Usually it ends in name calling, violence, threats and reports of cheating.

3 ) Is the issue of people with long-term accounts are constantly having to be mixed in with people whom literally just bought the game. It really is ANNOYING.

All n all. This game needs revisions to the match system. If people are hard-stuck to a match (like they are in competitive play) they generally GIVE UP and the system that locks them there in the first place. Was the cause of it.

I mean the ideas sound good, but the reality is. The game evolved into what it is, because of decisions made by the staff. Low priority ques are not going to fix this game at all. and infact it will cause players to try LESS.



Your issues are identifying other real issues about Overwatch, but my concern here is specifically leavers. Yes the matchmaking could be better, but I already know there is no real game matchmaking engine that creates perfect matches for everyone. I mean what does “widow versus widow” battles have to do with any of this?


Not a real solution to leavers on Competitive. I mean, not as of its own.

No matter what is the reason, there will be always leavers and dc no matter what the punishment, and i’m really not sure if just slapping on the nose to those who are doing it will decrease the phenomenon significantly on Competitive.

There is need to in-game change to the SR lost and win to deal with it correctly, while increasing a bit the penalty of the leaver/dc.

For QP, well if Blizz want to ppl to take this mode seriously i would suggest start from other direction like enforcing role Q there(and in Competitive) and reducing the MMR gap of the matchmaking. Then i’ll be in favor of other creative penalties for leavers there.


Your chart says leaving one casual game would result in a 5 minute low priority queue. Maybe I misunderstood it.
Anyway, fixing quick play or making an unranked normal mode should be an absolute priority before leaving quick play matches get punished by any other means than the current xp penalty in my opinion.

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