Wyoming Mist. I never use to press “leave” during a casual game mode. Now, I do
That is BECAUSE the difference in Match quality is significantly WORSE than it was PRE 2017. Now I use it often. The games get out of hand. People act very bad, so why would anyone want to even play this game much, now. Leaving is a way to provide a solace between what thread of hope this game can hold onto.
The match maker undoubtedly has caused the BIGGEST exodus from this game from all aspects.
A person has to understand WHY “leave” is pressed. Usually that comes down to. (top 3, but not all reasons listed)
focused Player harassment is #1.
Widow v widow dueling as #2
Unfairly stacked teams #3
If Blizzard wants to “throw us a bone”. and make matches that are more fair and work towards ENDING player frustration. I can see a reasonable approach to this enforcement. BUT since this game’s priority is built around matches that have THEIR system building games the way they do. It is always going to be this way. If this game begins to strictly enforce Casual game-leaving than this game will NOT stand the test of time.
1 ) People are TIRED of the team where a Single, solo que player has to face AGAINST a stacked team, as well as a STACKED team they might be placed on. We can go over ALL the aspects of bullying there, that occurs. Everything from the DEMANDING “team stack” to the team stacks we face as a solo que player. Lets face it. Team stacks GET to coordinate and chose WHOM they attack.
2 ) The widow mains being paired AGAINST one another is NOT good game building model. AT ALL. Each time the system decides that it is “okay” to put a widowmaker main on each team in a match. What do those two do. THEY fight and duel until one rage-quits or other team members are fedup with a game that is going NOWHERE. Usually it ends in name calling, violence, threats and reports of cheating.
3 ) Is the issue of people with long-term accounts are constantly having to be mixed in with people whom literally just bought the game. It really is ANNOYING.
All n all. This game needs revisions to the match system. If people are hard-stuck to a match (like they are in competitive play) they generally GIVE UP and the system that locks them there in the first place. Was the cause of it.
I mean the ideas sound good, but the reality is. The game evolved into what it is, because of decisions made by the staff. Low priority ques are not going to fix this game at all. and infact it will cause players to try LESS.