A plethora of balance ideas (9 heroes mentioned)

I looked at the entire roster of heroes and I thought I’d give some input to potential idea changes. Some heroes I have more ideas/thought into them compared to others, but I wanted to see what other people thought of them. I’d love to hear feedback on whether ya think some ideas are better compared to others, additionally I’d like to hear your changes. Let’s try to keep this respectful too, no need in calling people names or ideas dumb.
(As I write this, I realize its longer than expected, so sorry in advance)

I also tried to put in as little basis in these as possible, but the ones that I think are a bit more basis I will mark with a “*”

*D.Va: Cannot use micromissles with DM.

  • My thinking on this was that you are sacrificing your offensive abilities in order to nullify enemy damage/abilities. This is probably the most basis thing I have on here, mainly cause its annoying to be getting hit by a D.Va’s micromissles and you not being able to damage her back. (I promise the other ideas are going to be less “dumb” compared to this)

Roadhog: Make hook reliably put enemies in front of you on the same level. Also stops momentum.
Roadhog: Have a passive that he provides x% less ult charge.

  • This helps with two of his biggest issues. Inconsistency and ult battery. I feel like these are both issues that have been going on long enough that people know why these may be good ideas. The momentum part makes it so that his hook should be breaking less often (I know I’ve been personally saved cause I jumped to the side right when he got me and barely broke sights)

Reaper: Armor buff/ignore armor.
Reaper: Shadowstep EITHER faster OR damage resistance.
*Reaper: Wraith form has to be used for at least 1.5 seconds

  • Reaper has always been the tank buster (whether he is actually suppose to be or not). With 71% of tanks having armor and two other characters being able to give it, Reaper is already half way there of being a great anti-armor character. Just needs a little extra push to do that. As for the shadowstep, I feel most can agree it is one of the weakest abilities in the game. Giving that a bit of a buff would be beneficial.
  • The final Reaper change has two aspects of it. For newer players or those with “dumb fingers” (such as myself sometimes), it makes it so you don’t cancel the ability right away. On the other side, it lets you to better counter the Reaper since he has to use it for a minimum amount of time. Again, that last one is a personal preference, so take it with some salt.

Symmetra: Primary beam levels up faster OR has a soft lock-on.
Symmetra: Teleporters last forever. Also a bit less health (since it can theoretically last forever)

  • I’ll start by saying that I was a fan of Symmetra 1.0 but not of 2.0. I do like more of the things in 3.0 and I really do think that the turrets and right click are better. Additionally, the ult has crazy strength when used properly and her teleporter is so close to being awesome. The idea of the teleporter is that you can make one that helps reduce the time it takes to the front lines, leave it there until everyone is up at the front, and then place a new one that goes to a more strategic spot. There would still only be one TP set at a time, with either the new one destroying the old one or if it gets destroyed (in which case, I think the TP should go on another 5-6 second CD, similar to Widow’s mine if off of CD but gets activated)
  • Notice how I didn’t talk about the beam? I personally like the beam, but I like Zarya a lot and LOVE melting barriers, so I will acknowledge that me thinking it is fine might not be the case for many. I think it would be better if the beam could get it’s charge built up faster (noting too much, maybe 1.5 seconds). Otherwise, a soft lock-on (similar to Moira’s) would be good. Just some ideas, I know personally I prefer the faster build up, but I also see the appeal of the second (especially for the Sym players that liked the lock on).

Torbjorn: Shorten the amount of time it takes to build up a turret.
(Yeah, he’s getting a rework soon, I know. But reworks have been…hit and miss, think we can all agree on that. Instead of massive reworks, lets try small changes?)

  • Torb’s biggest issue (similar to Sym 1.0) is that he needs set up time. In a game where mobility and being able to quickly go from X to Y is important, it leaves Torb in a weird spot. I’m not going to pretend that I know him super well, but I think if you make it so his turret can be built faster, it would really help him out. Now if this is done by making his hammer swing faster (like TF2’s Jag, which heals it for less per a hit) or just less hits needed to upgrade it, I think both will really help everyone’s favorite father out.
  • Would like to add that I thought about either throwable turrets or turrets on the walls, but it felt like it was too similar to Sym.

Brigitte: …

{inb4 “mercy main.” Her ideas are a bit more complicated, so I feel like I need to go more detail with her. Sorry.}
Mercy: “Rez 2.0” OR “Valk 2.0”

  • I’ll start by saying this: Rez either needs to be an ult, or removed from the game. At this point, either is fine. I’d prefer as an ult cause I think its a really interesting idea, but I also see the other side of it. Hopefully, “Rez 2.0” will make some of the anti-Rez-ult people give it a second chance. If not, we got “Valk 2.0” which will maybe please the people who don’t find Valk fun/engaging.
  • Rez 2.0: Rez as an ult with a 1-2 second casting time. Requires LoS with the bodies rezed. Added possability to it is decreasing the casting time a bit but only up to 3 bodies rezed. Why 3 you ask? Well, ideally a damage-focused ult would kill at least 2 people, if not 3. One rez counters one damage ult. This rewards players who get more kills with their ults OR combo ults together smartly without the bad feeling of “well, there goes all my hard work.” If you killed 5 people with two or three ults, at most they will have 4 players. You still (hopefully) have an advantage. Additionally, it will promote more tempo rezing because the whole “everyone die on point while I hide” is super lame.
  • Valk 2.0: This would first remove rez all together. Second, it would get rid of branching beam. Third, no more infinite ammo. Fourth, I would personally like to see the duration decreased to 10-12 seconds (I swear this isn’t just a super nerf!) The healing on an individual hero would be increased (I like to think it would be up to 1.5x healing, so either 75 hp/s or 90 hp/s if they revert the healing nerf). Damage boost would also be better, but only up to 1.33x (so 40%. Also not stackable). This would make her ult actually enhance her current role. Instead of a “meh” healing over all allies grouped up, she would get a “stronk” healing on one player. This also would promote more flying between teammates as to make sure they are either getting the healing they need or damage boost that would help them out, thus making it more engaging. Reinforce her “single, reliable support” and “great mobility” that she is known for.

*Genji: Dash only resets on using ult and when getting a kill that was dashed/killed by dash.

  • I don’t know why. This always just bugged me to the same level as the D.Va thing I talked about earlier.

Wreckingball: Adaptive shields doesn’t kick WB out of ball form.

  • I understand why they don’t have this as a feature, but considering how fragile he turned out to be, I think it would be a small buff that would really help him out. It allows for him to really tank, which currently he doesn’t feel like he can.

All heroes listed may have more issues that I just don’t know how personally I would change them. Additionally, I acknowledge that Bastion could use some more love, but I just don’t know how. Maybe more damage against shields and/or tanks (really make him an anti tank/barrier hero)? but I just don’t know if that is the best idea or if that will even really help his problems.

Anyways, thank you for taking the time to read this. I know it was REALLY long, and even if you don’t agree with it, I appreciate taking the time to reading this. I look forward to reading the comments. Hopefully, they will stay civil and polite, but still constructive and allow for further discussion. Hope you have a fantastic rest of the day.

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