A plea for Ballers

A really good Wrecking Ball player named Yeatle has already made a video or two about this topic, but I don’t often see it discussed here so I thought I’d put it here for the OW2 community/team to see.

Yeatle’s video on Ball

The biggest problem I have with Ball(who is admittedly my favorite Hero in the game to play, so there’s some bias here) is I feel that he has so many counters in the game that are way too overtuned or good in this game. I believe that it’s HEALTHY for Tanks to have counterplay in the game; but I feel for Wrecking Ball characters like Lucio, Brigitte, Cassidy, and Sombra are way too good at countering Ball for the very little skill it takes to do so. All of the tools they have such as Boop, Whip Shot, Shield Bash, Hack, and Flash Bang are super SUPER strong against Ball and it takes very little skill or practice to actually get these cooldowns off on him. As a result it can make Wrecking Ball not only unfun to play, but borderline UNPLAYABLE. Especially if two or more of these characters are on a team. Also for reference, I typically hover between Masters/GM so the players I’m playing against really understand this and abuse it to the fullest extent.

But patch after patch, either Wrecking Ball gets nothing, or if he DOES get something it’s nice but never ever addresses the problem me and many other Ballers have with the current state of Wrecking Ball.

Please Blizzard, stop ignoring Ball. I don’t even care if he’s meta or not, I just want him to be playable and fun again. Thank you on behalf of all Ballers.