A new low point for competitive matchmaking?

Just had a comp game where literally nobody on my team died. Like I mean for the entire match.

Replay code: E8S19D

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I have had the same thing happen before, except we had one death because one of the DPS decided to jump off the map for fun towards the end.

I was the only support and only had about 500 healing. I have no idea what was going on. The other team did seem to be trying and I was in Bronze 3 at the time.

Don’t worry about it, before long you’ll be on the other end of the same stomping
B A L A N C E D .

True, my last game as dps I did 25k damage and still lost

RIP lol
I know that feeling, legit have had games where I couldn’t have possibly done any better and still lost lol

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The one good thing about the new rank system tho, I can just play comp for fun and not worry about falling out of plat for at least a few more games. Not like SR where u get to 2500 lose once and you’re 2475. Still have the icon but it doesn’t matter because your SR is gold. At least now they hide the SR part lol.

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I’ve heard though that when the season ends, it forces a rank update based on any losses you’ve had since the last update

So for example if you were “Plat 5” and then lost like 19 in a row without doing the 20 losses to trigger the derank, you’d still derank anyway when the season ends and they now give you season end rewards instead of season high. So you’d fall out of Plat before it’s shown to you in the rnak update.

I’d be livid if they deranked me before a rank update lol. I don’t mind starting next season in gold as long as they show that I ended this one in plat. Also don’t really care about the rewards at all.

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It can happen, but only at end of season. But - it can also promote you if you are for example at the upper edge of Plat 1 and then win 4 more games before season ends!

So yeah. If you quit playing during a nasty loss streak thinking it will preserve your rank at season end, it may not. lol

Well I’m 0-2 so far since I got back into plat so that would suck.

Hmm. Might want to stop while you’re ahead.

I’ve had games like these too, zero deaths for everyone. Then games where nobody gets any elims. And we’re supposed to believe winners/losers queue doesn’t exist? :joy:

I jumped back on after a week break and had a 7 game win streak of incredibly easy matches. I then had 2 matches where I was on the other side before I gave up. Honestly not really feeling the need to play again. It feels so fixed as to be a waste of time. As a support wins are boring as there’s not really much to do, and losses are super frustrating as your team runs into the enemy team alone, over and over like zombies.

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This is what really gets me.
We are being gaslighted by the devs.

I don’t care what they say, how they say it, or who they say it to.
It doesn’t matter. If there really are no such queues, why does it FEEL like there are?

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