A month of Mercy nerf in numbers

I’m not sure what your point is here. I was addressing a clearly false claim you made was all.

He was focusing more on winrates, and at least took the trouble to break it down by rank.
This post you just made is much more informative than the first one I replied to, which in my opinion was practically asking to be made fun of.
I’ll stop being a smartass now

Hasty review? no.

I saw you in Aria Rose’s comment section, so you’ve seen the video. They PICKED OUT a specific sentence, and took it out of context to justify a punishment.

They do it regularly

They included Diamond-GM data and all tiers overall. If the point is not that Mercy isn’t good enough in high tiers, there isn’t a point at all. Mercy is better than Ana in Gold and below.

It’s hypocritical to complain about her high tier viability and then discredit her viability in the highest tier.

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Well someone’s got to be at the bottom, I rather it be the beginner character.

Read the message to Blizzard. It specifically says pickrates.

Plus, someone posted the winrates for the OWWC data set anyway. Mercy’s was positive and above average.

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If Mercy was a situationally viable character then we would expect her win rates to go up as her pick rates went down and we would expect this trend to be more evident the higher up you went. They didn’t, and it isn’t.

If Mercy has some situationally viable niche, it’s not evidenced by her incredibly low win rates in gm where she has around 2% pick rate. How much more situational do you think it needs to get?

Mercy is a generalist. She’s not a specialist at all. The most charitable interpretation of your claim is that it’s wishful thinking.


Because this is mercy threads. And other heros have their own balance threads like bastion and sym. So this thread isn’t about balance of other heros.

Well, what else are they supposed to do? Rezzing a single person doesn’t work as an ult, and lengthening the CD will only punish mercy players unfairly by removing one of their buttons most of the time.

The only other option is to literally delete the hero, and if you think the QQ is bad now

Considering her winrate in pro play is positive and above average, the obvious explanation is that the people playing Mercy in solo queue are not playing her situationally, but they are instead Mercy one-tricks who try to force her everywhere.

Mercy one-tricks need to stop playing Mercy everywhere. The second that happens, Mercy’s winrate will go up as it did in OWWC (where there were no Mercy one-tricks).

Tell that to 1.0 Mercy, the D-Tier Support with a 5% pickrate only on koth.

At least Mercy right now isn’t a joke of a hero like 1.0 was.

They could do this:

The focus was on win rates. My message to Blizzard is based off of my contention that they made the change to balance pick rates.

Also - it’s not hypocritical to want Mercy to be viable at higher ranks. It’s reasonable to want a well loved and much played character to be viable there. Just as Moira is - better than Ana in low ranks, viable in high ranks. Also, Mercy is not doing great in lower ranks either. In gold, she only edges Ana out and no one else. She’s still below average even in gold.

She still a primary healer. But yeah you’re solo healing is essential dead. Mercy still out heals all of the other supports execpt Moira and ana.

Moira has a lower pickrate than Mercy.

Just, no. This is just, so, so wrong.

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Yes, he said he thought Blizzard wanted to lower her pickrate, inadverdantly overnerfing i.e. lowering her winrate too. Her winrate.

Moving past that though, my point is that I don’t see why any of us should care about pro stats, when it is a drastically different environment, that none of us play in. Really, what use is that data? It can highlight glaring issues (hero stacking back in s1, sombra medkit cheesing, etc) that are big enough to trickle down to GM, I’m not sure about subtle stuff like 50 vs 60 hp/s
I don’t even play a lot of Mercy anymore, I shouldn’t have gotten roped into this

What? The whole “two ultimates” idea? There are many, many reasons why that’s a bad idea. Especially considering that Rez is “first order optimal” and will never be the wrong choice.

Or is it the “earning a rez” mechanic? Which is even worse than a flat 30-second rez because she’ll either get way more rezzes, or way fewer over the course of a game.

Mechanics like Rez need to be balanced. One of those ideas remove an ability from her kit for no good reason, while the other does the exact opposite of balance.

Actually I was kinda surprised myself. That Moira pickrate has been creeping upwards.


This is a strange interpretation of the data and you’d have to believe some unlikely stuff for it to be true.

Mercy’s win rates have been pretty stable throughout the month, regardless of pick rates. You’d have to believe that at no point during this month have people in any high rank made statistical attempts to play Mercy more selectively. That her dropping pick rates were played at random with random comps, by an ever decreasing collection of people determined to only play her, and that the gradual shrinking of this group didn’t affect win rates.

You’d also have to disbelieve your own data from the OWWC were her pick rates were rather high and she saw general use on many maps. The pros were not using her as a specialist.

These assumptions are bizarre. A much more parsimonious theory is that the low win rates in the much larger data set indicate a hero that is too weak. The Overwatch league has always been slow at adapting to meta changes, and they have a measure of inertia that comes from training. They’re also pros, on heavily drilled team. It’s much more reasonable to assume that this data is more anomalous (as evidenced by the fact that Sombra seems to be their strongest dps) than the data from the game, and to balance around the actual player base.


Rez will never be wrong choice. That’s not true statement because rez will never have a 100 percent right choice. That’s in absoulte statement.

I wasn’t discussing Moira’s pick rates (which are growing to be similar to Mercy’s) but her win rates.