A month of Mercy nerf in numbers

When the nerf went to live, I initially thought that she would still be OP because of res. But I would say that she is almost F-tier now. I think that part of the problem is that nano boost outclasses res in a way. It’s an instant 300HP, damage reduction, and damage boost. That’s literally all of Mercy’s kit in one ability. Then, Ana also has sleep dart and bio-nade, which are extremely versatile.


I don’t normally care for any kind of thread involving Mercy these days, but this made me genuinely laugh. I’ll leave the arguing about your post to others, OP, I just enjoyed how it was written.

PS: actually I do have one thought: Symm 2.0 and Torb enjoy(ed) fairly high winrates, yet it was almost universally agreed that they’re weak. Other data does matter.

These stats may be false data. I’ve seen many plats use Mercy as a throw/derank pick since the Support patch went live. I just hope people aren’t trying to plug Mercy into a solo heal or primary heal position.

They’re giving Mercy a bad name. I’ve literally never had to fear Mercy on my team until now.

I think Mercy may be slightly underpowered.

But 55hps would probably being her back to balance.

But you’d think Mercy players might want to make Mercy more Fun with a different balance approach.

Pro pickrates, the ultimate argument /s


Basically this. Such a powerful effect as guaranteed bringing someone back from the dead - the only reasonable comparison to which is guaranteed sending someone to the grave - can only be balanced as an ultimate, regardless of the restrictions put on it.

Options for this could include, but would not necessarily require a revert. Only making rez available during Valkyrie is also very possible.

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Hallelujah! This is the first time I’ve heard you say this.

We know that 60 hps works and that 50 does not. It’s a mistake to try to fiddle with numbers in the middle. It would mean spending too much time messing around a super unstable point in design space. No one has any idea what would happen, and that would hurt the game for a long time. Also, where do you go if 55 is too weak? To 57? 58? And if it’s too strong? 52? 53?

It would be MUCH better to move around to a more stable point in design space. My opinion (and only that) - remove res entirely. It’s too destabilizing. Find something closer to what actually works in the game. Then move on from there. Other options are viable, but I think they all need to start with removing res from a 30 second cooldown.


Well I’d be interested to see what would happen if they made E Rez into a second Ult with low/no cast time.

Maybe have a toggle for chain beams or focused beams on Q for Valk.

Also maybe a heal boost while flying to a target.

Personally, I think chain beams are a bit of a mistake. Mercy isn’t supposed to be an aoe healer, and I think it’s a good principle for her to keep that weakness in her ult. I’d like to see chains removed and the main beam do more healing (90 hps for heal, and 30% damage boost+30 hps in damage sounds right to me). A focused beam would also go a long way towards making Valk feel more impactful/engaging since your choices would matter more.

In any case, there are a lot of good ideas out there and they are well worth debating. I’m definitely not of the opinion that revert is the only good option (I’m not even convinced that it’s a good option at all).

But for now, I think the focus should be on confronting the situation in the game and being clear about it:

  1. Mercy was over nerfed.
  2. When she is fixed, care should be taken so that she doesn’t crowd out the other supports.

Blizzard will come up with their own ideas, regardless of what we suggest, but it would go a long way if they just communicated and confirmed what’s actually going on in the game.


why not just reduce movement speed while beaming instead of constantly messing with her numbers?

just make her easier to kill, dang

In order to believe this, you need to believe that a statistically significant portion of players in diamond - gm were intentionally throwing all month long, including in the first week of the new comp season and including when Mercy’s pick rates were above 5%. That seems outlandish to me.

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It’s pickrate. Mercy is picked by a team 32% of the time.

This is Lucio’s moment!!!

Or maybe, just maybe, Mercy is a situationally viable pick, even in the highest level of play.

It’s kind of hypocritical when you try to say Mercy needs to be dominant in GM but a perfectly respectable pickrate in an environment that is better than GM just doesn’t count.

Overbuff pickrates, the ultimate argument /s

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Top down balance is the only accurate way to balance a game.

Everything else doesn’t work.


Incidentally, I think the Titanium thing had nothing to do with suppression, just a hasty review process. WoW just had a huge PvP balance patch, so I imagine moderation reviews have gotten more scarce. And it was the weekend.

Just wish Mercy players would take less of a “Multi-Rez or nothing”, approach to the design.

Something like “If you guys are dead set on single rez and Valk ult, with these simple changes you could fix it, make it a lot more fun and balanced.”

Believe it or not, I don’t think the devs want to be deliberately antagonistic. They just want to follow through with something similar to their design vision, and make as many heroes viable as possible.

They never said nor implied that?

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Thanks I need level 3 back so bad

Well good thing she’s already dominant over Ana in Gold then.

Oh also, OP you double posted the Diamond section.