I still don’t get why such system even gets released when it is so easy to exploit. As if there aren’t enough throwers as it is.
I still don’t get why such system even gets released when there is an experience from another game that introduced the same system and had the same issues with it. GJ Blizzard.
This whole thing is VERY “Sketch” and “sus” on their part. Give it a week or 2 and the droves of complaints will role in.
Player gets false reported and banned for “Throwing or sabotage” enough times, because salty team mates abuse this report.
(disclaimer, yes i can legally make this statement without fear of Duress)
Eventually someone will realize "Oh hey, i can submit a COMPLAINT to the United States Federal Trade Commission that “im” getting “SCAMMED” because im terrible at an online video game and got banned over it! .
AG’s office in California is going to LOVE this one!!
Honestly starting to question how dumb can get: OW2 2022 more likely
the manual banwave is just a baindaid fix to their core problem. their MMR system doesnt work for peoples off roles - unless they played a ton of offroles prior to Flex-Que.
Blizzard stop with those bandaid fixes and just reset our mmr for both off roles. its not that hard
Well yeah, which is it’s own problem. I mean Blizzard takes direct advice from Samito FFS and still has the gall to say they care about improving toxicity.
You mistake me - OW is such a fun game and I still have fun every time I play. It think it’s one of the greatest games ever made and even when it had unbalanced metas it was still playable and nothing was horribly game-breaking (IMO). In a sense I have few issues with HOW the game is played (except for maybe 2CP).
I think it’s been really let down by the administration of OW that can make a match unfun before you even load into the lobby. My criticisms are definitely more towards things like the matchmaker and report systems that get in the way of actually experiencing OW properly.
I still really like the gameplay of OW.
LMAO, My “ex friend” who threw from plat to 800sr just messaged me. This is his message
Thrower “friend” : Why TF did blizz just ban me?
Me : Maybe cause you threw to bronze
Their response : I didnt even get a warning
Me : So… you broke the rules
Friend has left the group
He also blocked me.
Very Egotistical. Shame though. Makes me laugh sometimes
I think this graphic is fair and appropriate to that little story.
I think that’s a bad way to go about it.
40 priority passes are just too many passes. They should cap it around 10 or 20.
This way, players would more often get into flex queue. And it wouldn’t feel like grinding.
It’s a temporary fix at best. The only permanent fix for it would be to make passes only available for winning games, which would provide an incentive to actually try.
Temporary might be all they need to get people past the newness hype of passes, and realize throwing for 15 minutes isn’t worth 10 minutes of passes.
once again blizzard’s “fix” introduces more new problems exponentially
who could have possibly predicted this would happen
looks back a week
oh, literally everyone did
I’m sure the manual bans will continue for the lifetime of the priority pass system, and will definitely scale if the player base increases
I can’t imagine not even trying to win. It’s as you said, a waste of time. I played for a little while last night and maxed out my passes – it doesn’t take long. And you get more for winning so…
Yeah, people are dumb. Its almost like they try to “cheat” the system just because it looks like you can “cheat” the system but don’t stop to think you get more faster if you actually try to play and win. What morons!
Glad you guys are doing something about this.
Had a Winston who was obviously throwing for passes by just sitting in a corner and spamming “attack the objective!” Over and over again.
Also had a Moira who was soft throwing by only dps-ing and occasionally throwing a heal ball.
I assume that just like normal banning, this manual action only has adequate resources allocated to PC and not console?
Reason number 36,852 that throwing isn’t the brightest move. I hope anyone throwing not only spent more time to earn fewer passes, but they’ve also been banned.
As a reminder to anyone who was recently actioned and you feel that your silence, suspension, or ban is not justified due to unauthorized access to your account, [you can appeal the action with a web ticket to Blizzard Customer Service]
…so that they can send you an prewritten email saying they looked into it and the punishment will be upheld.
throwing isn’t the brightest move
Throwing for priority passes though? People spend 10-12 minutes purposely losing a game to shave 2-3 minutes off of their DPS queue time twice? Are they not good at math?
Exactly. It’s really really dumb. You waste more time throwing than trying.