A little insight in main healer mind -> Maybe you will find reason why you not getting heals

My points are mostly meant for DPS players but in general everyone should follow these simple rules to help their supports. My hope is that someone will take this seriously and hopefully change their play style a little bit so we can have better games without whining.

Support is not walking health pack. As a support you have to prioritize, making decision and most of the time especially in low level (pro supports play it a lot differently because they have actual team play) healing DPS is the least of your priority.

I personally when I play support prioritize healing players which are peeling for me and can protect me from dying. If you don’t receive sufficient healing you are not a priority deal with it. If you want to became priority … help your supports.

In my points there is a lot of generalization (so it doesn’t apply on everyone) but it just came from experience from playing more than hundred hours as a main healer

  • Most DPS think that only job of support is to heal them so they can do wacky stuff like jump into whole team without any help from tanks which can soak some dmg and then expects that support will jump into this deathtrap with him --> sorry dude you are not important if you die we can still win a team fight but if main support dies the team fight is almost always over.
  • Learn where health packs are around the map. it’s better if you disengage for 2 sec and then come back then sit in the corner and whining about healing. Because trust me in middle of fight main support has much bigger worries then healing. Mainly healing main tank (if he dies we lost) and try not to die because he’s is the main priority for an enemy team.
  • Use brain when you fighting, use corners to mitigate received damage (this is for everyone not just DPS). If there is a shield hide behind it so supports can use other powerful abilities
  1. Mercy can damage boost you instead of healing you -> that means you will deal more dmg -> have ult faster -> we have better chance to win the fight. Plus she can save res for main tank.
  2. Ana can use biotic grenade on enemy team -> they can’t be healed -> our chance to win fight will drastically increase. Plus it will be easier to land sleep dart on important enemy target
  3. Moira can send dmg orbs -> good damage + it is great to chip off armor from enemy team (especially good against Brig Rally) -> her ulty will charge faster -> bigger chance to win a fight.
  • Don’t expect that because you want to feed and try to be a Hero I will follow you and die. Especially irritating is when someone is half a map from you and there is whole enemy team between you and you start spamming I need healing. Sorry man but I will immediately mute you and you are my least priority for the rest of the map.

So if I have to sum it up. You are not the most important being in the game, you are not a god play safe, coordinate with team, help your teammates and don’t expect that supports will save you they are not kindergarten teachers to clean your mess. And most important part is use your brain try not to receive cheap damage, think before you move and help your supports and tanks (it’s a team game after all) .

Btw I am not pro and I can be wrong so if you disagree it’s fine just write it bellow and hopefully I will learn something new.


one thing I would like to add that no one does for some reason. HEAL. YOUR. OTHER. SUPPORT. IDK why it’s such a hard concept but sometimes I’ll be playing zen and a genji or reaper or whoever flanks and is on me and not only do no dps turn around (which is kind of expected tbh depending on what dps you have) but Mercy also doesn’t turn around so we can either kill the genji or make him retreat. just food for thought.

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I can talk only for myself but when I play main support then Zen is on second place… after the main tank. Of course this is just generalization it depends on situation. As I said before you just have to make decision and sometimes you just can’t pocket zen because it would cost you team fight.

100% truth right there. When I play main healer I use Ana. When Zen gets jumped I just spam into the mic, " kill him I got you. " You’d be surprised how fast a flanker dies with discord + a few shots from zen when he survives a tracer clip or a couple shurikens and dash.

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right? and honestly, zen or your other support should go behind a main tank. Mercy calls out to play safe while she heals zen. In theory, dive tanks shouldn’t dive until they have their mercy back (or dive the genji), Rein should keep his shield up and in the end, if he has to turn shield on and off and just take some random damage into his armor, that’s fine as long as you dont lose a person.

Also tanks. Stop needing pockets. Let healers focus on the dps that are at high risk of dying after only losing 150hp.

It’s about heal priority. You dont need to make sure your 500 hp tank is always full if a 200 hp character is sitting at half. Nothing besides an ult will 1 shot that tank but those squishies can be 1 shot by almost anything.