A list of Mei bugs. (With updated videos and more bugs added.)

and here i was thinking my aim just sucked!
and what exactly is wrong with meirry’s cryofreeze hat? it seems fine to me

Look again and compare the hat on the iceblock on the current patch and on the old patch. The hat sinks when it’s on the iceblock on the current patch.

oh i see it, definitely less cute :frowning:

Exactly, and seeing how the Winter Wonderland is about to start would I like to see this fix. Not to mention that it is this ability what makes this skin a Legendary skin. I hate to see it bugged like that.

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roughly 3/4 deaths per match that i know iceblock/wall would’ve saved me from if i was on EU. (although some of those may have still resulted in deaths after the iceblock/wall went down, but trying to block burst/stuns is pretty much impossible unless you predict it perfectly)

I only play Mei in QP on US though for exactly that reason. Much rather go hitscan and characters without defensive abilities with high ping for comp, barely notice a difference on those

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How are the players on the US servers? Friendlier? Do they care more about team comps?

(I want to play on the US servers now, but I can’t at the moment.)

i’d say it’s pretty much the same, no idea how it is for below GM ranks though.
I don’t really see any advantage in going there unless you want to play with certain people or want to play with a bigger variety of people/faster queues during hours where EU can be pretty empty.
Sleep disorder makes me play at 4-5AM local time sometimes so i just pop over to US then

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so we can now confirm that this also happens to players that aren’t the Mei

edit: 2 in the same day. It always happened but is it happening more now? Or is it because we’re seeing a bit more Mei?

Here you go:

This has to be a new bug.

I think I just noticed another Mei bug (although a small one) She used to have have a voice line change when using the Mei-rry skin equipped. I believe “You have to let it go” used to change to “You have to let it snow” but now it just plays the default version.

It’s still a changed voiceline in a match:

Only in the Hero gallery is it not being played:

Oh ok! Thank you for letting me know :slight_smile: I didn’t really have a chance to check for myself

The freeze bug is fixed:

But the bug with the Mei-rry skin isn’t: