A Kind Word to the Devs :)

Pretty much, not worth the time. ^^

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I agree.
If people have their eyes on the prize with a laser focus they forget (or ignore) everything else.

Why so rude? Theyre just trying to help op out.

Would be nice if we knew what direction that was, but still.

Dear Blizzard

I have been playing Overwatch since a bit after the release of the game and have enjoyed the game immensely. I played pretty much all the way up to when Mercy got her rework, however that is not what I am here to talk about. I played up to this point on Playstation 4, when i decided that I wasn’t enjoying the game any more and stopped playing. recently I bought myself a mid range gaming laptop and decided that I would buy Overwatch, as it is a simple game to run and I thought that I would give it another shot. Whilst being only level eight on my laptop I have had far more negative experiences than positive ones. My main bit of feedback for Blizzard is that matchmaking needs to be altered in some way to make the game more playable for newcomers, as well as making the game more of a positive experience for longtime players.

it feels like every time I boot up the game 65% of the matches I play are terrible and over all are a keyboard breaking catastrophe. furthermore, only around 35% of matches are actually enjoyable. I often play video games as a way of venting out anger and stress from the day. whenever I get on Overwatch, all I want to do is coordinate as a team and win, whether I am playing as a Support, Tank or Attack class, it doesn’t matter because these 65% of bad games ruin the experience for me and develop more and more levels of stress and anger onto myself.

I don’t know what it it is exactly, but it seems that every single one of these 65% of matches are unfair and often lead to me getting frustrated. It seems that the enemy team usually has a few higher level players than my team, or the worst the enemy team has almost all of their players partied together and in a separate chat room, such as Discord or Skype. On the other hand, my team happens to have no one partied together and an absolute lack of communication. I am aware that this is occurring in Quick Play and communication is not vital, nor is it needed, although I would at least like to be able to enjoy majority of my matches, without getting absolutely decimated by a enemy team with either two groups of three players in a chat room, or worse a group of six.

I love Overwatch and want to enjoy it, after all I have played the game for an extensive amount of time. I even want to become a game developer once I graduate through Year ten, eleven and twelve in High School and after I have sought after further education. Any how The game is definitely playable at it’s current sate and is still quite enjoyable, however I strongly believe that actions need to be put in place to further increase enjoyability, whilst playing through the game casually.

Sincerely DoomPinch

Yeah can we not have another thread turned into Mercy spam? Thank’s.

I do agree with OP. There’s some good out there with the balance changes, reworks, etc. Sure the pace isn’t the fastest but at least something is happening. And the game is still tons of fun which I’m grateful of.

(I just noticed this one got necro’d really hard after writing this post)