A huge thank you to the devs

Sure. Just Ana is pretty much a must pick. I cant even play Moira without my teams saying I’m throwing cause I’m not Ana


It’s a pretty diverse game now.

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Haven’t seen that part yet.

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It happens about 6/10 matches. If someone doesnt go Ana someone starts yelling.

Lucky you if it hasn’t happened to you yet

Everyone has a positive winrate? What’s the matter?

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Never experienced this and my MMR is pretty high. The support tole is now diverse, as it should be. Never seen a single game where someone berated the Mercy for playing Mercy, in fact quite the opposite. Mercy is fine, she is no longer a must-pick in every case, in every situation. Ana is a must pick only in the top 1% where mechanical skill is a must.

Mercy doesn’t require mechanical skill to play. Ana requires very high mechanical skill to be effective.

You cannot have a hero that requires no mechanical skill whatsoever have the same (or actually higher) output as a hero that requires quite a lot of mechanical skill. That is poor balancing, the latest changes address that and in the right direction.

What would be the point to pick up a hard mechanically skillful hero when you have a character that does the same or better with no mechanical skill whatsoever?

The balance changes are as it should be.


So as long as Ana is a must pick you are happy, or have you not seen her crazy pickrate?

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Lets not make this another thread about victimizing Mercy mains.

The support meta is fantastic right now.

Just Mercy is a off healer now, and Ana is a must pick

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Mercy is not an off healer. Thats just another childish complaint about the hero from the toxic side of her playerbase.

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Shes only dropped to almost the lowest picked support in the game, and is now easily out healed by almost everyone.

ana is better. by a longshot.

to you, maybe. not to a lot of people, because really, nothing has changed except for mercy being more boring, and brigs existance.

she’s one of 4 heroes with a negative overall winrate, and is 3-4% below the second lowest support.
mercy isnt unplayable, there is just literally 0 reason to pick her.

mercy being a really bad outlier is not a balanced support meta.
nothing about the support meta is balanced, it’s literally ana ana ana ana ana, maybe a moira and lucio/zen/brig

this meta is not as balanced as people seem to think. A lot of heroes are wrecked.


If all the supports have a positive winrate that pretty much just invalidates using winrates, because nearly everyone has it aside from a select few for obvious reasons cough Pharah getting directly nerfed patch after patch

Meanwhile with pickrate if a hero is being used 2x as much as the next there’s a pretty evident problem. When Mercy was like this hell broke loose. Ana? Nobody cares because apparently that’s okay that she’s outshining every other healer due to Nano’s healing creating a near instant fight swing on a low charge.

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Honestly the way they’ve changed Supports and the way people treat me online when I pick support or tank has made me into the complete one trick Symmetra I am lately so yeah.
Thanks Blizzard.

Maybe if they ever make Mercy fun and engaging again I’ll play her.
Maybe if triple tank ever becomes much more prevalent in my matches, I will use Moira more.
And maybe if they ever make Orisa’s Supercharger better I will play her again.

But until then, if I’m going to be yelled at all the time no matter who I pick I’ll just play Symmetra since I have most fun as her and have been improving my aim as her and carrying with damage and eliminations. So yeah thanks blizzard you’ve made a one trick pony of me wink wink

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With Moira being stuck in a niche and Mercy being terrible? Ana now rules the sup meta the higher you get and soon enough we will get complaints about that. Then they will most likely nerf Ana because her stats are to good.
So no if we want a better sup meta Moira needs to get out of her niche a bit more and Mercy needs help to make her ultimate impactful and less dependant on rez.


I’ve never heard of anyone getting yelled at for playing Mercy…feels like a fallacy.

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There is no reason to pick Mercy at all, she’s dead weight to a team and Moira is too niche to get real value out of outside of GOATS.

Ana is just better at pretty much everything aside from mobility; heals, damage, AOE, not to mention her ult now works essentially as a preemptive res (that she doesn’t have to be right on top of them to use) to everyone but tanks and also gives them attack boost and damage reduction.

I wouldn’t say support is balanced, I’d just say Ana and Mercy switched places and because of that Ana is going to start getting nerfed again. (Which I really don’t agree with I think she’s fun and I’m glad to see her again but the gap between her and the next healer is massive)


Ana being pretty much a must pick while Mercy has a 48%~ win rate and a negligible ‘on fire’ stat is hardly a great support meta right now. A great support meta would be if every support hero was balanced. Keep dreaming though :slight_smile:, as long as Mercy isn’t domineering anymore it doesn’t matter what state she’s in right? I mean you’d probably still say the support meta is fantastic if Mercy had 10HP/sec healing or something ridiculously absurd? :rofl:

Quite a biased opinion in your final sentence. Many Mercy mains I’m sure would be happy if Mercy was engaging, not overpowered and balanced like most of the other support healers appear to be. Just because one hero took the spotlight for a long time thanks to a terribly planned and designed rework doesn’t mean that another hero can then acceptably take the spotlight for a while. All support heroes should be balanced, not one pretty much having a must pick status and then that status is handed over to another hero.


Made my day 10000/10

I dont know
The off-supports have their spot in the game. You can pick Brig, Lucio and Zen in a lot of situations, it depends a lot on personal prefernce and what the enemy is running
As for the main-supports, I honestly dont want Moira to be buffed or Ana to be nerfed. The reason why Moira isnt picked often right now is because Ana counters Moira. Nade makes Moira completly obsolete for 4? 5? seconds

Its funny but a lot of people knew that nerfing Mercys HPS will break her … and now shes broken. I do hope Blizzard knew that and just wanted to put an end to Mercy being meta while working on another major rework for her ~
Right now, Mercy doesnt have enough HPS to keep her team alive DURING a fight (no point in using her as a main healer) and doesnt offer proper utility to help her team out DURING a fight (no point in using her as an offhealer). She just feels like a weaker version of Moira

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