A Glorious HONOR System!⭐

It’s in the game guys with the endorsement system! Thank you everyone who supported and shared this idea. This is a GLORIOUS DAY!!!

Honor System
Basically a system where players have the option (not mandatory) to give a positive rating on a player. Players that queue in a group together can’t give honor to each other, only the random players from match making, this prevents boosted honor.
Honor Options are as follows:

Good Communication - Player communicates flankers, targets, ult management, ult combos, counters, and some strategy.
:star: :star: :star: :star: :star:

Good Leader - Player communicates effective strategy to their team, communicates ult synergy, tactics, and announces initiation on fights or reseting/regrouping.
:star: :star: :star: :star: :star:

Flexible Team Player - Player is willing to communicate and work with others for a better starting team composition to great benefit.
:star: :star: :star: :star: :star:

Positive Player - Player continues to be a positive example to the team, even in difficult times. Player continues to compliment others on great plays, and is overall friendly to those in game.
:star: :star: :star: :star: :star:

These are just a few suggestions. The great thing about this, is players can scroll over the players name and see what the player is known for. There may be a leader in your group, and this system may help enable him/her. Also, this Honor system may encourage others to be less toxic, or become a more positive players.

Players can choose to hide their positive rating if they so choose (in case they don’t feel like being a leader that day for whatever reason).

Not only this, a system like this could also encourage players to try other roles such as support and tank, because they are likely to get a higher honor rating.

I do think the Honor System should reset every season, this way it encourages players to continue to be positive every season (they have to regain their positive reputation every season). Having it reset also means that you won’t have someone who starts off being positive, but then later becomes toxic, having being stuck with undeserved positive rating. Also the Honor system can reset for those that are banned by the report system, that way they don’t keep their positive rating if they grief/throw/ or are abusive in chat.

The Honor System will promote continuous good behavior. Furthermore, simple rewards such as sprays or voice-lines such as "Honor is it's own reward" for some of your favorite heroes could go a long way.

Please note, this is not a new idea. Forum Users have been asking for this for over a year if not more. These are some threads that also have great ideas about the topic of an Honor System.


Lastly, I feel that this system could not only help against toxicity, but It could also help in false flagging. If a player has Honor, then something might not look right, and this could help Blizzard in looking deeper into a possible false-flag. It may not prevent errors, but it could help.

edit Addressing new concerns:

But RichC, can’t friends boost each-other with honor?
The best solution for this is to NOT allow people you are grouped up to give you honor. If you are already grouped, it means they think you are already honorable enough to want to group. The system would be in place for all those who aren’t grouped together. For example, if you duo queue, then the person you are duo-ing with can’t give you honor and you can’t give them honor, but the other 4 people can give you honor and you can give them honor.

This is because the game is promoting honor with RANDOM people that you are thrown together with (which could help with solo queuers).

Will the Match Making Balance teams around Honor?
No. I don’t believe it should, I think the Honor System should be kept as a simple tool to help promote a more healthier, friendlier gaming environment. Plus, I would want to see this system implemented asap, and trying to code an Honor System to the Match Making sounds like a lengthy nightmare.


Be a Reinhardt in a world of Reapers.


There is a button to prefer players, not sure what it does (or if it does anything).

But some sort of badge-system to honor friendly people would be very much appreciated.


Yes to this gosh darn it!


10/10 agree with ya mate. Keep up your positivity, it’ll eventually pay off.

A wise, elder man once told me “Reinhardt was a great crusader. With honor, comes glory. Once glory is achieved, you are honored. Once you are honored, you are known to be glorious.”

Replace Reinhardt with RichC, and you’ve got a fact, a true, hard, fact.


For a second i thought you were gonna use the report feature to report him for beeing too nice XD


That affects your own matchmaking but really it does not factor in too much. Its like, if we are both in queue and we are a fair match, put us together if you can.


Reaper: "Death Comes"
Rein: “YES my friend! But LIVE with Honor and die with Glory!”


I LOVE this post so much & wholeheartedly agree! :purple_heart:


I fully agree on this.


Yeah, I decided to edit that out, it was confusing xD

Paparich with the amazing suggestions as usual

You reading this Jeff? Put this in the game!!


I’m on board! League of Legends had(has?) a similar honor system. Friendly, Helpful, and Teamwork. They are displayed as banners on a persons profile if they get a high enough rating. I happen to know its over 50 votes, because I had that many and still didn’t get a banner.


Well done RichC. This is a great idea for a system and something that we probably really need.


I’ve seen so many threads about toxicity on both the General Forums and Competitive Forums lately, I hope an Honor System like this could help.


Yes please :smiley: I’d love to see this happen. I think some of it might be hard to transfer to console since a lot of people don’t seem to use mics. But I’d still like it and I think it would help!

But if you have a group of six, does that mean you can give a point to the enemy team? Or you just don’t vote that round?


So… Why is this Not In the game yet? lol…

This would Actually help with Toxicity… Like, A Lot.

Also, I would love to have a Special voice line for Bastion, Specifically…
Or just anything to show that i’m not a “Thrower” Or something…
Maybe then, some people would trust me when i choose to play him. X3

-ChibiFox :fox_face:
I try to Remain Honorable… I do wish i had a way to Show It.


I love this idea RichC! I can definitely get behind this! :+1:t3: Giving players an idea of how they are is a great way to keep positivity in an environment. Maybe, there can be more rewards? After all, it gives reason for these people do so and for others to follow suit. I know rewards shouldn’t be based on an “honor system” for doing good things, but I feel it would attract a whole lot more people to do it if a higher award was involved? Perhaps they can earn extra BP points towards a golden gun?


I think a system is needed. I want it. I need it. Give it to me.


I remember this episode of Black Mirror.