A fun little question

You have just arrived home, you grab a bowl of cereal whilst playing Overwatch.

What cereal would you be eating and what hero would you be playing whilst eating that cereal? :thinking:

(Oh, to spice things up. :eyes: Torbjorn has already been selected.


Cinimon toast crunch because why not?
Mercy cus I can take a bit both wne I’m dead AND when I’m ulting


Well it is pretty obvious

Mario Odyssey cereal

Or having a nice English breakfast

With a side of



I’d eat with Zenyatta/Orisa/Bastion because I wanna see how Omnics eat cereal. Probably eat corn flakes because I’ll be the buzzkill to deprive them of flavor.


They open their heads a dump the cereal in to it


Well first I’d be wondering why I wasted a clean bowl for cereal that I always just eat out of the box.


Michael Chu, your thoughts on this? :eyes:

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Bacon & eggs, and if I’m feeling patient, i’ll maybe make myself some filtered coffee (I have to be very discreet as such a thing is considered sacrilege here in England, and I put myself at risk of beheading).

And I’ll most likely be playing Symmetra, because hey, I’m already drinking coffee in England, screw the status quo.

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I would be dining on the nutritious, and delicious, Bootie-Ohs (They make sure I ain’t booty) and playing Brigitte.


I’d eat my patented cereal.


Cheerio’s, toxic waste instead of milk, and some salt.

I’m probably playing Hanzo to add to the toxicity


Whatever cereal I have at home, and I would play Pharah.

You know what OP? You just gave me a great idea, I’m going to do that now.

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:eyes: I second the LUCIO-OHs.

I Have a cellar full of them take how ever many you want

I’d be most likely eating mini wheats,
whilst playing some Reinhardt. :eyes:

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Ahh a basic cereal for a basic character

JK I am joking please don’t get salty Reinhardt mains


HnnNGhH. mY EmOTiOns AND My LEfT lEg.


Hey I take no prisoners

I don’t eat while I play normally. Where I play is set up at my kitchen table so I have to swap the placemat with the laptop with the placemat that’s empty. But out of theory, I’d be eating fruit loops while playing Pharah. I got YOU on my radar.

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Orisa while eating cause minimal movement. Scarf that cereal down then go back to the funnest character in the game - L U C I :frog: !

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Cheerios, with sugar, while playing Lucio

Or mini-wheats while playing Dva

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