A different idea to boost Sym's survivability

I had this idea and I think a few others have also had this idea independently before. If giving Sym 250 HP seems like a bad idea, why not (in conjunction with sorely needed TP buffs) give her a passive?

Improved shields
Symmetra begins regenerating her shields after 1 second of not taking damage instead of 3.

This could mesh well with the in-n-out playstyle that comes from creative teleporter play. This combined with a slightly faster TP could up her survival in a unique and more skilled way.



I want the old photon shield back :frowning:

It would help, but I don’t think it would do that much. Symetra’s main problem isn’t chip dmg. If anything she’s one of the best DPS at trading blows with some one at mid to long range due to her recovering 100hp easily.

No it’s the burst/max dmg that kills her. Being one shot with ease or bursted down in a half a second. Faster shield regen but still having 200hp wouldn’t help her vs Widow, Hanzo, Mcree, Junkrat or any number of people that can kill her before she can get two charge shots off to kill them.

Remember even at max dmg her beam does 180dps, even if you never miss and have 100% accuracy it’s almost 1 and half seconds of being in the enemies face to kill them. And that is the best case scenario, more realistically it’s going to be 2-3 seconds to kill most people as SYmetra.

Your exposed far too long for 200hp to work with no way to block or avoid dmg.


i want the all of 2.0 sym’s kit to come back but sis is gone forever ;-;
R.I.P goddess, we miss you

absolutely gorgeous, fabulous and slaymazing.

Blizzard in general are notoriously bad at admitting fault and going back on bad decisions the most they do is make another change that sorta kinda achieves the same thing as removing the change they did but it wont happen with Sym sadly.

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It was a tricky power to use, and the CD was way to long but there were moments of fun when you got the projected barrier to work right. I mean seriously it was always worth a laugh to throw one in Phara’s face as she was Ulting so she blew herself up.

It was little moments like that which made OW enjoyable. Now that skill, timing and techinque are out of the question Symetera is far more boring even if she might objectively be a better hero to play in terms of effectiveness.

Now you just toss out turrets every 30 seconds or so and spam right click… tons of fun!

people say 3.0 is more skill full but 2.0 had a reactive ability in E barrier that could block rein ults and many others. 3.0 has tp bombing which while funny when you pull it off is far more low skill than her barrier.

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Sample 1
1: 250 hp.
2: Auto lock beam.
3: Shield regenerate during combat or damage dealt restores it.
4: Ultimate adds more shield hp to her and grants 100 shield hp to allies within the radius.

Sample 2
1: Entering through teleport grants 75 shield hp.
2: Turret cool down 3 seconds.
3: Getting hit by Orb slows down movements depending on charge power.
4: Ultimate ignites dot damage to enemies when passing through and will stack.

Mending light.
Symmetra restores HP/Shields if she uses her abilities or stands near her deployable objects.
Casting a turret restores 15 hp. Doesnt restore shields
Optional. Turrets have a very weak healing aura. Each turret heals 2 hp/s. Radius is equal to Inspire. Applies only to Sym.
Using a teleporter will restore 60 shields. Cd 4 (5) seconds. Doesnt trigger if Sym has full shields.
Photon barrier grants 10-15 hp regeneration in a small radius. Restores both shields and hp. Applies only to Sym. Barrier loses health if Sym restores HP.

It might be too powerful. Shields regenerate at 30 per second, compared to Mercy’s regen at only 20 hps.

I have a few ideas on how to improve Symmetra, one of them incorporates shield regen into Photon Barrier:

Isnt it 25 for both?

Photon Barrier can still block Earth Shatter, but it’s more difficult. I don’t think an ult should be less reliable than her old photon barrier. Here’s an example of blocking Rein ult with new Photon Barrier.

Yer but i could do it before… and on a 10sec cd xD and i still had really powerful high impact ults lol

I know. I miss it so much.

Sadly because they took her out of the support category I don’t think we will see more than just do dmg. I always thought it be neat if she healed people as her turrets did dmg or something. Like 15hp a second they do dmg.

I think a simple buff to the Teleporter’s deploy speed would be enough for Sym’s survivability issues since it would be a better escape.

What if she restored 10 shields every time she forms a Turret, and restored 30 shields when she places a teleporter? Small bits of survivability that give her a bit more leeway with her longer cast times, and doesn’t punish you as harshly for actually using your cooldowns in a teamfight.

Also, let her fully charge her right click and store it indefinitely, like Samus or Lucario in the Smash Bros series. Give her a tool to react with when pounced.