A Desperate Plea

Dear Mercy players,

It’s not 2017 anymore. Resurrect has a cast time. Please stop rezzing like its post-rework moth meta. Those days are over. Do not rez me in the middle of a teamfight where everyone else needs healing. When you do so and die, the fight is lost. When you manage to rez me only to die shortly after you’ve given the enemy team twice the ult charge for free and had me killed twice.

But for Mercy’s on the enemy team, please use Resurrect like its 2017. The post-rework moth meta days are not over.

Its hard to be bad at Mercy but this one thing is the one way to eff it up. It’s like playing Reinhardt and using charge on cooldown. Don’t do it.

(But on a serious note, all of a sudden every Mercy player seems to forget that its best to use cover to rez. Yes the devs didnt want that originally but they’ve balanced it that way now. Risky rezzes are fun and cool and whatever but when every rez is a risky one and u literally use rez everytime its available, I want to kill myself. stop.)

It’d be sorta nice if dead players had an option to reject/block a Rez lol. There’s been a few times where the enemy has started countering me, so I plan to switch whenever I respawn, but Mercy rezzes me and I’m just like, “ope, guess not, guess I’ll just get stomped again.”

I will say there are times where a fight is highly lost depending upon match-up parameters such that going for the rez is necessary to even win other wise you just stall deaths and stagger horribly. Turn that 3v4 back into 4v4 especially if it was say a tank and have a better chance to stall a fight until allies return.

Otherwise, you can be in a situation where you stall for a long time and that 3v4 goes to 2v3 and eventually the last DPS dies, then finally you die and before you knew it there were 15 seconds wasted stalling compared to just die quick and regroup.

This happens too often on say control where you lost the point and people try to fight for the point back even when too many people are on point. Rez for a chance to get an even fight, if it fails, then you regroup quickly because Mercy’s death means the other DPS have to die quickly or inherently fall back as a result.

yeah sorry to hear that and i see it happen alot lol, i dont see why you’d rez a mccree in the middle of a teamfight infront of roadhog and orisa.

I have seen a lot of Mercy players in my ranks did this. Sometimes I just want to yell at them and told them to hand Mercy to me. But I feel bad if I do so.

I actually mentioned something like that in my Mercy thread

But at the same time it opens up an entire can of worms:

What happens to the cooldown of Rez? Is it refunded or does it go on a partial cooldown? Is it fair to punish the Mercy player because of someone elses choice?

At best I think if someone switched characters while dead, they should not be able to be targeted for Rez.

exactly, i dont understand why they do it but hey they will learn by time (even if its at the cost of other people) telling the mercy to change is rude in qp especially with a reason like that.

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IMO this is not my decision. It is the Mercy’s decision. If she thinks rezzing me will maximize the chances of winning, it’s her prerogative as main support.

There’s nothing I can do to control my team’s decision-making. All I can do is hope they’re right.


I can agree with this to an extent, but more often than not I see a stagger caused because of a failed Resurrect.

I mean its been almost a year and a half at this point. I don’t know if they can learn if they haven’t at this point.

All it requires is a single button press at the wrong time. Sounds pretty easy to me!

I got rezzed when a dragon is clearly on our way, we both die

It sucks when you got rezzed only to die again.
My 10 sec of wait time becomes 20+

The thing is, thats not their thought process the majority of the time. Most of the time its “Oh someone died and Rez is available! Let me go use it”.

Atleast thats what it seems like when 65% Of Mercy rezzes are done when they should not have.

Sadly, this is the case.

I think a “block” option solves those issues. When you die, block Rezzing by hitting a button, then Mercy just can’t target your soul for Rez.

I think a Rez rejection would probably be feasible, too, possibly making it part of the aforementioned mechanic. I’d say that in that case, Rez just goes on like a 2-3 second refresh cooldown, not a full or even large partial cooldown because Mercy didn’t actually Rez.

Either way, there are a lot of instances in which I really wish that a Mercy hadn’t Rezzed me for one reason or another, and I would like the ability to basically exclude myself from being Rez’d.

Is it time to unbind rez? Like rein is for unbind charge?

yeah but if they’re having fun who am i to tell them to switch?
just seems out of line to me.

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Right, many people make bad decisions based on simplistic thought processes. But there is nothing we can do about it.

Even if I created a thousand of threads on this forum asking for DPS mains to stop diving into the enemy team alone, many would still do it. It’s how things are.

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Dies to widow headshot
Mercy: Let me just stand right in that spot.

I’d like the option to turn on Mercy’s ‘death-sight’, by which I mean the icon that shows a fallen teammate’s location and time left to respawn. Speaking for myself I would turn it on for several of my tank heroes as I believe it would greatly assist me in protecting the rez attempt.

Also, Mercies… you might try calling out your rezzes while you are going for them. This can help your team try to protect you while you rez…

The worst rez is when a mercy player pulls off a risky rez in the middle of 6 enemies. One, i don’t know how you survived that but i’m sure in hell not going to.

I only do risky rezzes when we need someone to stall the point.

No. Absolutely not. Mercy has to invest too much in order to get that res off. Can you imagine wasting your 30 second cooldown on an actually good res only to have your teammate reject it? Mercy would feel even more powerless than she already does. Also, think of how many games would be lost because a dead player hit the wrong button by accident.

What’s next, the ability to reject incoming healing? Excessive healing can feed enemy ult charge too. All healers can be killed for overextending to heal just like Mercy can get killed for resurrect, and if you keep healing when the fight is already over (say, healing a Roadhog against a full group of enemies just poking at him for ult charge), that’s a good way to guarantee that the enemy team has at least one ult ready for the next fight. Probably several.

Resurrection as currently implemented in Overwatch is a decision that needs to be left completely up to the Mercy player.

Unbinding charge on Rein is dumb too. Charge is extremely useful for getting back into the correct position when you are behind your team, and if you can’t charge you can’t counter-charge against enemy Rein, Doomfist punch, or Brigitte shield bash. The mistake people generally make with charge is trying to use it just to kill. View it as a positioning and counterplay tool instead, and you’ll still get plenty of kills with it as a bonus side-effect.

In the same way, people make mistakes with Resurrect because they think about it as an ability that’s supposed to bring back the recently dead. While that’s accurate, it’s more helpful to think of it as an ability that teleports someone from spawn to their previous location. Thinking that way better informs decisions about resurrect, because it makes you consider whether or not that person would want to be in that location and also encourages you to wait for safety rather than immediately res. You’re saving them the run back, not the respawn timer.

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