A condensed Genji Change Patch (1/24/2021)

This looks very good, devs are going to watch this and be like: “Oh my god that’s perfectly balanced Genji” We totally should buff Genji like that.

Next experimental patch:

  • Increased damage to 30
  • Dash speed reduced to Soldier Sprint speed, but Genji can cancel it midcast
  • Dash damage decreased to 25 from 50
  • Projectile speed decreased from 60m/s to 30m/s

(thanks NaniOWO)


Now that you say this I’m worried that is going to happen.

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Don’t buff the primary. It’s not supposed to be good.
he doesn’t need fire rate and damage just go all in with one or the other.
Remove deflect cancel. he could already cancel before.
Oh and don’t nerf the spread at all.

20% is too big a nerf. Try 10%-15% depending on the buffs.


i dont think he need the current spread to be honest

my version would be:

damage stays the same 28
primary fire recovery from 0.95 to 0.8
secondary fire recovery from 0.75 to 0.65
secondary spread from 9 to 12

from 2s to 1.5s

ultimate cost increased by 20%

the reason why 0.8 sec primary fire to make it still viable at close range if u want precise shoot, instead buffing his spread


It might be time to finally just rework Genji to be honest.

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why? he was perfectly designed character

he just need faster recovery rate on shuriken,

he was easliy fixable


“Perfectly” - are you sure about that? Seems to have constant balance issues through the entire game… giving him what you want isn’t necessarily a fix for a fundamental problematic kit in the full context of the game. He’s like Doom, make him just barely good enough he overwhelms the game, any less he’s “underpowered”.

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Hmmm… didnt know genji was brig now :thinking:

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the only problematic thing about genji on ladder is because how strong nano blade is

and thats because how nano works

if they remove defense resistance on nano, nano blade will lose half its power, and just basicly same power as nano + mercy damage boost

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Yeah see while that would kinda “fix” nano blade it would also make nano a bad ult. Single target boost that only increases damage(and I guess can be used as a clutch burst heal) would make it far weaker than any other damage boosting ultimate since those damage boost multiple targets even if nano charges a bit faster than the other ones.

Unlike the other ultimates as well. The hero you throw a nano on turns that hero into a blue lightning beacon that attracts enemy fire whether or not the enemy team is coordinated, so without some damage negation that hero will possibly get killed very quickly or just be forced to run for it.

Would certainly affect Ana’s impact quite a bit.

I don’t main Genji, but I look at a lot of changes and see how globally it would change Genji and his interactions.

The only think I would suggest is limiting how much DB can be boosted. I don’t think it’s fair to remove it completely. Adding a limit should be fair.

But overall good.
As long as we avoid 30 damage shurikens I don’t see a problem

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I think the issue last time with the 30 damage shurikens was that he had the fire rate. If they only gave him the damage or fire rate I think that it wouldn’t have been an issue.

The issue with the whole genji meta back in June was with the increased dmg and fire rate, the spread was also signficantly reduced to top all on a way too good hero. Especially with no ult charge nerf compensation with the increased damage. If genji was handled in a way where he only received the dmg and fire rate buffs, and an ult charge rate nerf, he would’ve been fine. No genji main actually asked for deflect/spread changes but here we are.

So with this idea I have here, I was going for a middleground approach all around where the reverts that genji received gets buffed to the halfway point from june, and same goes with his buffs being partially reverted to the halfway point. On top of an ult charge nerf to the point where he still will take a bit longer to get ult than average. The only “bonus” buff was the primary fire rate which wont change much (i probably have ocd and want the fire rates to have a .1s difference). The goal was to make his base kit more useable for securing kills on his own (with a little toning back of current buffs he has right now), and making his ult have a bit less time to build for a bit more counterplay.

you forgot to nerf blade to 60dmg, on top of wall climb and double jump only being used once per match. then it gets disabled for the rest of the game :wink:


SAME But really I think it’s fair to find middle grounds

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I would keep Relfect buff at all cost, why? Deflect is the abilliyt wich enables Genji go deeper in, because it makes it easier to get out. I would also keep the primary firerate the same, because you rarely try to kill someone with it and only use it to get ult charge

3 tiny buffs for 3 sizable nerfs
man hes really not much better than before if at all. sure it makes some of his worst aspects a bit better which will feel nice but you take bits out of others that werent making him strong.

you increase his dps by about 10% but nerf the fan spread so he cant actually apply max damage at anything more than melee range. The current spread angle still puts his shurikens at a worse effective range than reapers shotguns for anyone thats slimmer than mccree. thats genjis biggest issue. he doesnt have the dps for how close he needs to get to his target to get meaningful damage on top of it not being consistent. echos left click does more dps than genjis right click and one is effective to about 5 or 6 meters and the other well into the 20s and that isnt even what makes echo good. go for the 30 damage, it isnt asking for much my dude and anyone that thinks an extra 6 damage a shuriken volley is keeping genji from being busted isnt playing the same game as me or you.

a nerf to deflect which hadnt made him perform any better since august and anyone that hasnt adapted to its timing by now isnt good or doesnt play the game much. the mechanical skill needed to actually make deflect lethal is high and yeah luck can be a factor but thats not enough to climb out of metal ranks. i really dont want to learn this a 3rd time and have it be worse than before when i seldom die to it when ever im not genji and seldom get kills with it when i am. most of its value comes from its initial cast. when people dont react in time to it. this just nerfs the genjis that face tank in front of tanks for ult charge, something already very risky. its essentially a skill nerf to higher rated players and a spam nerf to lower rank players even if its their own fault theyre still shooting for 1.5s+ into a deflecting genji.

  • a good nerf in place of his spread angle being opened is taking away 6 ammo so hes not so spammy and will have to be a tad more measured in how long he stays in a fight. in conjunction with his fire rate being buffed a tiny bit, this nerf will actually be a bit more substantial. dragon blade farm takes a small hit that compounds over time.

then stack a huge increase in ultimate cost. that i agree with…not much more to say. maybe even more, make it a very expensive ult but keep it strong as its already considerably more difficult to use compared to a vast majority of ultimates in the game.

the nerfs outweigh the buffs.
i get youre trying to convince other people that may have mixed feelings about an annoying character that can potentially teamwipe you every 2 minutes but man i think you should consider leaving some things alone. i dont think genji is gonna be picked even if the meta falls in his favor. he is supposed to do well against hitscans. which hitscan does he actually have a winning matchup in where he doesnt have to really out skill his opponent to a degree where there are more efficient options? these make him less reliant on his blade but make him even riskier to play for slightly more reward. more risk means more deaths, more deaths means slower blades. this iteration of genji means that getting shutdown early still puts him as one of the least desirable DPS to have on a team.

I don’t play genji so I wouldn’t really know but a 0.05 second increase in fire rate and 1 extra damage is worth 20% more ult charge and .5 seconds less of deflect?


20 characters

In a way it is in Genji’s current state it is near impossible to even be able to out kill a mercy pocket. You have to have near perfect aim to land all your head shots. With an extra damage it helps tremendously. Also to a person who plays little Genji usually dont realize how massive that .5 is

It’s a .05 but I still don’t really see that beating a mercy pocket very consistently.

I thought the plan against that was to target the players who the healers aren’t currently prioritizing.