A challenge for Mercy mains

I don’t have a preference for any one of my ideas, but with all due respect the only ideas that I do have respect for are people that play Mercy as a significant proportion of their playtime, since we’ll be the people having to play with the new character.

Saying “you mercy players” indicates to me that it’s not the case for you.

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A non-rez ult suggestion:


Mercy spawns a fixed AoE (like soldier’s biotic field) that makes anyone who stands in it immune to non-crit damage. To get an idea of what this would be like, play a custom game with “headshots only” turned on.

It would force the enemy to hold off on ult spam (or punish them if they’ve already committed to it), and its counter would satisfy the elitists that seem to have so much sway over the game: get those sweet, sweet headshots.

The AoE could look like a softly glowing summoning circle, with neat little particle effects drifting up from the lines.

An E suggestion:


Mercy bestows something similar to Orisa’s Fortify buff on a teammate: CC resistance/immunity and damage reduction.

Note: using vaccine on an ally that’s already been cc’d/debuffed will not clear the cc. It only protects against incoming effects and damage.

Together, Sanctuary and Vaccine would turn Mercy into the game’s most reliable hard-counter to cc heroes like Doomfist and Brigitte.

Awwww he thinks Mercy mains can be organised enough to have a common ideal goal

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Isn’t this what was already happening alot? Like the top thread is a Mercy thread giving loads of feedback and ideas… Still big radio silence

While I actually like current resurrect, I know many don’t so here is a suggestion to spice Mercy up.


  • removed as an ability

Angelic blessing:

  • new Ability on E
  • Mercy grants a teammate a blessing status effect, during which if teammate dies, they get instantly resurrected. If teammate doesn’t die, they receive a burst heal of 100hp.
  • duration: 2.5s
  • cooldown: 16s
  • a blessed enemy will have a bright halo over them, so it will give them some sort of counterplay to it.

comment: This ability would make Mercy more proactive than reactive to play while keeping the concept of Mercy resurrecting people. This ability is instant cast and fits better into Mercy’s concept of a mobile healer, the animation is the same as insta-rez. This will give Mercy a higher skill ceiling, since she now has to anticipate deaths, not react to it.

Primary healing beam: increased to 55hps.


  • chain beam removed
  • primary healing beam healing increased to 90 hps.
  • duration shortened to 12s
  • resets the CD on “Blessing” upon activation
  • CD of “Blessing” reduced to 10s for the duration of Valkyrie

_comment: These changes are made to Valkyrie to make it feel like Mercy can actually do something during it. Pre-nerf Valkyrie was fun because it granted CD reduction to resurrect, so this concept of Valkyrie with Blessing tries to get her ultimate back to it’s root. Mercy can bless a total of 3 teammates in a 11 second timeframe which will make her feel more impactful again, since she can “save” teammates from a death she sees comming._

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I like Idea 3.

What I think would be interesting is a return to mass rez as ult. However, you have increased cast time for each person you want to rez.

  • Rez 1: 0.5 second

  • Rez 2: 1.0 second

  • Rez 3: 1.5 seconds

  • Rez 4: 2.0 seconds

  • Rez 5: 2.5 seconds

Maybe those numbers could be tweaked, I’m not certain. Or maybe she could have some damage resistance or the ability to move slightly (no invulnerability, obviously.) A few other questions? Whether she’d be able to rez through walls and if you could cancel rez before getting everyone up. And if you get killed mid-rez, whether people still get up (you rez for 2 seconds but die before getting the fifth, do the other four still get up?)

This way, the ult encourages tempo rezes over big rezes, but getting a big rez is a big deal. Potentially stops hide and rez (you would probably need to line of sight as a requirement, it’d be irritating to hear Mercy rezzing and not being able to find her for near three seconds.)

I don’t know. I miss big rez simply because it felt more game changing than valk, but it was definitely not great for the game, haha.


I’m not a Mercy main but this is what I’ve come up with over many months.


  • Removed as normal ability restored as an ultimate

Resurrect Ultimate

Nerfs so it’s not as strong and has counterplay

  • give it a Line of Sight checker like D.Va bomb or Lucio Sound Barrier no more rezzing through walls, floors, ceilings, and the payload
  • remove the invulnerability during rez buff they gave her that sent her down the road to this garbage rework

Buffs so it’s not completely useless

  • increase mass resurrect range to 30 meters from 15 meters (original range during Beta was 40 meters with no LOS check)
  • Living allies within range/LOS get an instant full health heal to keep them alive while bringing back dead teammates. Which should get rid of the hide & rez and die on point mentality/Play Style. This also gives Resurrect another use.

Caduceus Staff

  • Increased healing to 60 heallth per second from 50 hps

Guardian Angel

  • Keep the changes to guardian angel

Valkyrie ultimate

  • Removed as an ultimate turned into an ability


  • Grants 8 seconds of flight 2x healing range and the ability to heal/damage boost one additional target
  • Cooldown is 30 seconds

How this thread reads to me: “Mercy mains, I don’t really pay attention so please do the thing you’ve already been doing for months so I don’t have to catch up with all the feedback”


I mean I’m more likely to visit a larger thread than dozens of smaller ones about something similar or identical and I’m pretty sure the Devs felt the same way.

Just because they didn’t take ideas from the thread didn’t mean they weren’t reading it. They probably just didn’t agree with most of the suggestions.

remove resurrect and valk, new ult, new e ability, more power into her base kit.

Rez has been a cripple to her kit, she cant be buffed anywhere else because of rez.

im personally okay with her never being meta again, ana is 3 times more fun than any iteration of mercy, and I don’t think mass rez should ever be in the game again, and that’s as a player plays main support in gm, and mained mercy for a long time.

I am glad we didn’t get a hog revert/rework. I knew all hog needed was minor buffs the whole time

Sometimes heroes need simple tweaks and not be entirely changed just because a few find it annoying. Only exception is when said hero is troll tier like Sym, Torb and Bastion (hopefully he gets a rework).

Too bad the devs learned it the hard way with Mercy.

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More of a “I know you have been asking for MultiRez a lot, but assuming devs don’t want that, how about you come up with a Plan B through Plan Z. You’ll have a window of opportunity in a few months, so I suggest you be prepared by then”.

The megathread is already there.

I’m going to refer you to this right here:

It has 6k replies so it might take a moment to skim through but inside plenty of suggestions will be found. And that’s not the only place either.

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It’s been over a year with multiple updates. If they had it in them to make Mercy fun and worthwhile it would have happened already. I’m not sure what’s stopping them and as a result, it’s rather hard to suggest a fix.

I could probably come up with multiple ways to do it better than the current version in under a fortnight and I’m not a developer with a large team supporting me.


First Blizzard game? They don’t listen to feedback or take suggestions.

The betas and PTRs are smokescreens. We reported pages upon pages of bugs in BfA and they didn’t touch any of them, all class design problems were ignored and when people started leaving negative feedback and it started getting attention they outright deleted the forum

To them, you exist to buy lootboxes or watch their horrible (and I mean horrible) attempts at eSports.


Resurrect REMOVED
Now while valkyrie is active, Mercy gains 3 Charges of Resurrect,
Resurrect is a single target ability
Chained Beams removed
Healing per second during Valkyrie increased to 75hp
Valkyrie Duration reduced to 10 seconds

Maybe they don’t, but I’ve seen some repeated coincidences of things I suggest ending up in the game. Just lucky guesses, right?

Also nearly every idea the devs took for PlanetSide 1 came from me. So this hasn’t been my first rodeo.

Also back in the day, I also made a Tribes 1 mod with years of competitive league play, and about 40 servers hosting it.

The only one I’ve seen is the heal nerf.