A biographical problem (Hazard)

On the website Hazard is 24 years old. But Overwatch shutdown happened 7 years before the present day of OW2 lore (confirmed in the invasion codex https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/Communications/Email)

In the bio it was specified that the Overwatch task force physically injured Hazard, so when it was active. Two problems with this:

  1. In the comic he is definitely not a 17 year old teenager (24-7 = 17 years old)
  2. even if he had just joined the army (in the UK it seems that the legal age to join the military is 16), it is still premature on literally everything that in the comic seems to have been a difficult adolescence with his father;

even a minimum age difference of 2-4 years (so 26-28 yeatrs insted of 24) would be enough to make Hazard’s age slightly more plausible with his biography. let’s not make the same mistake as Kiriko, especially after having already demonstrated once with sojourn that a “lore-fix” can be done.

(Thanks to Gwandael on twitter for this note. :blue_heart:https://x.com/owgwadael/status/1866898365708898770)

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Bliz doesn’t care, magic

ever since the kiriko age thing they kinda just make up lore now. :frowning: