96% of buyers bought OW1 because it wasn't CoD

Valorant doesn’t have omnics though. Nor character like Zenyatta. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s hard to find a robo monk with the same sass, great voice acting and lines and nature like zen.

KAY/O for Omnics, Sova and Omen for philosophical characters.

I’m very picky about my favourite characters and I need to get emotionally invested to care lol.

I main mercy nowdays and used to main dva, but I didn’t care about either character outside of their gameplay.


Even more so when people before were constantly claiming that nothing pros say matter and shouldn’t be listened to

The irony


But he didn’t just throw out a metaphor out of nowhere and leave it at that; he specified exactly what he meant by it. It was meant as a reference for a game where you immediately jump into more action after a kill/death, in order to describe the flow of gameplay on the Rome map (Push mode) in OW2.

Right now, Omen or Viper are the ones with the saddest predicament:

Omen was an individual who was forever changed while sacrificing himself, forever having to mentally keep himself from being torn apart forever.

Viper was a scientist who used to heal with her skills, but after an incident that caused her to lose everything, she now uses her abilities to achieve the vengeance she believes she deserves.

A lot of the other agents have pretty unfortunate predicaments due to their abilities or talents.

I forgot to mention that I also need to relate to the character emotionally and their struggle in some way to like them.

Sounds sad, but I can’t relate lol. Sigma is not on my list of favourite characters either, as interesting as they may be.

I relate a lot more to the fact that lorewise, Zenyatta is a kind person. And blizzard did a lot to express their character personalities not just through voicelines, but even through animation.

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I know he didn’t just throw it out. I’m just saying there’s faster and slower paced call of duty games. Some loved, some hated.

While that maybe reflected in push were spawns are tighter the ttk, it didn’t showcase hybrid or control. So that remains to be seen.

I’m genuinely curious, because every time I read this it just sounds like a lie that’s gone too far: when were the tanks super buffed? What do you mean by super buffed? The buffed some tank’s DAMAGE output, and nerfed their ability to tank. That’s like me saying “We gave Tracer 4 blinks, and cut her damage and health in half! She’s been super buffed!”.

All of Reinhardt’s “buffs” will get him killed when he tries to play. He can’t just charge in without getting lasered down, and using firestrike leaves him open for punishment. Where were his super buffs?


super buffed tanks

Huh? Where? They showcased three tanks out of current 8, and they didn’t look buffed at all. Oh, sorry, 3-seconds DM and two firestrike charges, yay! But a weaker shield. First lie right here.

massive CC nerfs

The only one we’ve seen so far is Hack, the softest CC in the game. They didn’t show Sleep dart, they didn’t show Junk’s Trap, they didn’t dare showing Cree or Doomfist. They shown us exactly one CC nerf, and it’s the wrong one. Second lie right here.

improved engine

Nothing they shown us suggested it’s a new engine or new mechanics. A new hud? Yes. The rest looked the same. If you call new (simplier and arguably uglier) hud “a new engine”, then go ahead, this game is for you.

New game mode is fine, although the community has already created several of them in custom games, some of which are worthy of at least arcade status. Although it’s almost Payload race from TF2, and that game mode is alive only due to one map, otherwise it’s dead.

Also, they most likely to not touch any other DPS, so the power creep remains, but we have one less tank to play with (which hurts twice as much - it’s the only role where synergy is important). Want to guess why people want buffed tanks?


93% of statistics are completely made up.


Fair enough, though I don’t really know what constitutes as a “struggle” in your eyes.

A brief summary of every agent’s information:

  • (01) Brimstone: current commander and founder of the Valorant Protocol, has ties with Kingdom Corporation; seems to have lost someone when he was either a firefighter or a soldier.
  • (02) Viper: [Already mentioned.]
  • (03) Omen: [Already mentioned.]
  • (04) Killjoy: potentially an orphan, as Brimstone is her legal guardian.
  • (05) Cypher: lost Nora–either his wife or daughter–and other members of his family prior to joining the VP.
  • (06) Sova: lost an eye in the line of duty for the VP, and seems to have sorrow for his counterpart’s actions.
  • (07) Sage: seems to have failed Viper during one of their experiments for not being strong enough with her abilities.
  • (08) ???: [Unknown].
  • (09) Phoenix: was a drama student at a university, until he got his powers and accidentally burnt down a part of it; causing him to be suspended.
  • (10) Jett: was a chef at a local restaurant, until she got her powers and blew it–and the rest of the neighborhood–with gale force winds.
  • (11) Reyna: lost her younger sister, and seems to be obsessed with vengeance (especially towards Viper and Killjoy).
  • (12) Raze: appears to have had her home city infested with Kingdom influence.
  • (13) Breach: wanted criminal by the Interpol, but has his reasons for his career path.
  • (14) Skye: her home is being plagued by an unnatural phenomena that’s harming the wildlife.
  • (15) Yoru: seeks answers on his missing ancestor’s whereabouts.
  • (16) Astra: seems to have gotten her cosmic powers at the cost of her arm.
  • (17) KAY/O: robot from the future where a war between Radiants and humans wiped out the global populace, so he was sent back to ensure that doesn’t happen again.

Deadeye: not much known, but seems to be the cause of the overall conflict.

I see nothing i hate from cod in ow…
But nice try thought

Allttought quick scope sniper would be cool

I think CoD killspeeds and teamfight durations are faster than Apex. And anybody who thinks OW2 killspeeds are going to be faster than Apex, is not thinking clearly.

If anything, the CoD comment was probably more to do with the lack of delay between a teamfight starting, and actually getting to be and to shoot an enemy player.
Which probably feels luxurious after a lot of high defensive compositions for the past 3+ years.

In short, implying Overwatch killspeeds and team fight durations will be “like COD” it shows a lack of judgement, and is either willfully dishonest or unnecessarily hysterical.

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Team creates OW1 for players to swap frequently and adapt to maps/modes.
Players one-trick heroes regardless of map or mode
Team homogenizes heroes for OW2 so any hero is viable on any map/mode
Players: surprised pikachu face

You reap what you sow OW1 players… :wink:


I watched the video and all I was thinking was “this is just TDM”.

Considering that 50 mil bought the game and the current game has an average of 5-10mil logins I don’t see how you could possibly be right. The people who bought OW didn’t like what it turned into, that’s why they left. OW2 is going back to what that original game used to feel like.


They are trying to make the game more dps oriented and that is what makes it like CoD


OW has a decent number of players who dont actually like to PvP, they dont like playing against other people, they just like to huddle around towards an objective in the OW universe, looking in one direction, killing stuff like they’re running MMO dungeons. They don’t want to actually react too much to what the opponent is doing.

For their sake I hope OW2 PvE will deliver.


That’s why the game is balanced around OWL players, not the average forum’s silver-gold-plat players.