Everything You Need to Know About the Overwatch® World Cup Group Stage and Finals

Everything You Need to Know About the Overwatch® World Cup Group Stage and Finals

The Overwatch® World Cup reaches its epic conclusion at BlizzCon®, and you can find out how to cheer for your team and earn cool rewards along the way!

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Vamos Colombia! (not a chance in hell :sweat_smile:)


Something tells me there won’t be 2024 world cup :wink:


So just to be clear, drops can only be earned by watching on Twitch?

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Lot more to potentially watch than I thought. Will see what I can catch.

I hope so.

After OWL, we need to get rid of the remaining tournament events that come in the way of Blizzard focusing on improving the game.

I don’t get what it’s in for them to promote and waste resources on this as it’s pretty niche and people only afk in front of those streams to get rewards, nothing more, and even with that incentive, it never does great. It’s always going to be niche.


yeah nobody cares about this bs it’s literally just a front for having an excuse to charge $32 for a skin without letting you buy it outside of a bundle full of garbage


So if you bought all of the OWWC bundles and watched enough to earn the 4 skins back in June, these final viewership rewards will fill out the rest of the roster.

The only hero that will not be unlocked is Illari, and it looks like they only recently put her OWWC skin in the game (it wasn’t available in season 6), and it’s the only OWWC skin you cannot purchase, either.

What needs to be done for the game? Do you think the artists, map designers, people who make heroes / balance changes etc are the same people organizing owwc?


Oh, the eSports scene isn’t fully dead yet? That’s disappointing.


seems thats the case, that also means you have to make sure you accept each one. this is likely on purpose so they can have a more “accurate” player count to sell to ad agencies.

world cup isnt OWL, its independent to the real pro scene. some of the people in it will be streamers and non pro’s


Mexico already loses in group stage…

Where did I say that… ? I’m talking about resources that are wasted instead of investing it on improving the game (hiring more devs, gathering money for another game from the OW universe etc…).

Outside of American players that actually attend the Blizzcon, who really cares about watching other people play a 7-year old game during a convention ?

People want to see new features, new games, DLC’s, trailers, glimpse of incoming updates etc…

This World Cup tournament feels like filler since they apparently don’t have much to show when it comes to Overwatch and it’s a shame, especially after F2P Overwatch failed to provide the same amount of content OW1 did (only 3 heroes day One and 3 heroes and a few maps in 2023) and PVE half canceled…

Overwatch needs to show more than just the “meet the new hero” part. If it’s only this and 90% of random people playing the game during a tournament, then it’s already a disappointment (for the OW part at least, maybe they’ll have something more interesting to show for other games).


My point was the people organizing owwc, are not those doing stuff in the game you care about. It’s not taking anything away from the game for you. Some people care to watch it, others don’t. So be it.

How would owwc stop them from making another game in ow universe if they wanted to. It can’t cost this multi billion dollar company all that much for owwc, plus them crowdfunding the prize pools.


It is still wasted money that are not going into improving the product.

To some people it’s wasted, to others it’s not. And idc what they do with their money. Not having owwc this year, isn’t suddenly going to amount to big changes happening elsewhere. We didn’t have owwc for years and had no content being added.


Lets go team china :cn:

Like who? The ones who leave the stream open to collect rewards?

Seems like Blizzard is struggling to even afford it if it is begging the playerbase to fund it.

Isn’t this the last world cup for Overwatch League? Why isn’t there a chance to earn the OWL gray skins?