Everything You Need to Know About the Overwatch® World Cup Group Stage and Finals

I don’t recall ever hearing that this would be the last one, on top of that, OWL and the World Cup are two completely separate competitions.


Believe it or not, there are loads of people and communities who like following and watching the competitive scene. Heck, there’s a reasonably sized subreddit for it alongside the main one… just because you’re not familiar with them, doesn’t mean they don’t exist. And World Cup (not OWL, they’re NOT THE SAME THING, a lot of people seem to confuse that for some reason) hasn’t been held since 2019. This is the first time in a long time we get to cheer for our countries. That’s why streamers and other people are hyping it more than OWL.

And of course I understand wanting to see new features and content… because I do too! But I don’t think competition and us getting new content should be a mutually exclusive thing… I’m for BOTH.

Also, go Finland! :finland:

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World Cup and Overwatch League are two different things. The league, which consists of city based franchise teams, already ended this year. World cup is NATIONAL teams.

Basically, the US citizens attending the shows and a few niche players from other countries that can afford to travel to the Blizzcon.

Others are only interested in new content, not tournaments.

If OWL, World Cups and whatever similar events were so popular, there wouldn’t be such low views on streams. I’m not trying to be dismissive or anything but I’m just stating that it’s pretty niche and that it doesn’t make sense for this World Cup tournament to take that much space during the Blizzcon. It doesn’t reflect the reality as Overwatch e-sport is not doing well.

Also, go Switzerland :switzerland: !!! Is there even a Swiss team… ? :thinking: :sweat_smile:

Nope, this is actually everything I need to know about the OW world cup;

Kinda disappointed that there’s no zenyatta skin this time around i probably missed it from last world cup but o will
Go USA :us:

Wait a minute about your crowdfounding. Some little details to explain:

25% of $32 would be $8.25, with the remainder of 75% ($26.75) not specifically earmarked for the organization or blizzard.

this 25 is also mentioned in the article, adding further percentages on the prize money (73% and 27%). So does that mean… that these last two percentages are based on the $8.25 contribution?! :anguished:

frankly it seems very demeaning to the participating teams to see such a meager contribution while the rest of the 75% goes to unspecified destinations of the blizzard management / tournament organization. :face_with_diagonal_mouth: it seems very demeaning to the if I spend 32 dollars I imagine that the prize pool will reach over 50/75% of the value spent, not just 1/4. I really want to specify this, I strongly believe that it is unfair to advertise it as a crowdfounding “label” with these types of percentages. :raised_hands:

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So if someone went to Blizzcon how are they supposed to watch and claim all of this and go to Blizzcon? Lol.

It wasn’t mentioned in this blog post, but going to the event in person typically has the same items claimable through the Overwatch League mobile app while in the arena. Normally, that’s clarified because there are typically event-specific items to earn. In this case, I imagine the same items are being handed out, so they didn’t think to mention it.

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My understanding is that this percentage is in line with most other crowdfunded tournaments.

Has the league folded yet? No? Let me know when the league folds. It was a catastrophe from the get-go.

PS: Have you removed trollweavers pull ability yet? No? Let me know when you remove trollweavers pull ability.

PPS: I notice a sharp decrease in skill with the stupid flopping QP ban. Things are going as intended i imagine?

Good talk, good talk.


When are you banning ynza for transphobic comments and supporting people who do that.
Or does stuff like that only apply to clowdy


The viewership incentives seem to have especially narrow windows to earn, as the schedule shows roughly 6 hours of matches per day and requires roughly 7 hours of viewership per day.

I imagine there will be some pre and post-game programming, like Watchpoint for OWL, but that still means there isn’t a lot of leeway when we also need to claim these rewards through Twitch before we can continue earning toward the next reward.


Fair enough, I can understand why you feel that way. At least Bobby Kotick is leaving, he was a huge wrench in the game’s progress gears. I’m more hopeful of the future because of that.

Apparently, the OW team was working on something big for almost a YEAR, something he himself had ordered. That’s a reason for why there was a long content drought at the end of OW1. But when it was done, he was basically “Actually… I don’t like it.” and all their work had gone to waste (and there’s also a lot of stuff more than that he’s caused, obvs).

And yes, there actually was a Swiss team. They just got eliminated super early, sadly…

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Ok, but what are the crowdfunding milestones, and how do we know how close we are?

That’s the neat part, you don’t.

Could you, for the love of god, please add information about the time zone to your schedule? I’m completely lost. I don’t know WHEN I CAN WATCH. I never do, because it’s just “7:00” – SEVEN PM WHERE?! Please! Hire some UX professionals!

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because its already showing your local time…

The drops are already active, time is already counting.

They’re working with dedicated streamers AND you can get all 4 simultaneously. So you in total only need to watch 14 hours of overwatch :smiley: