Director’s Take – Matching up the Fun

Director’s Take – Matching up the Fun

Aaron Keller is back with another blog that takes a look at how Overwatch 2 is bringing fun new ways to play and creating more competitive matches.

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What a doomer, lol. This all looks good, and it’s stuff in the very near future, so it’s stuff polished and ready for release. Very excited for some of the stuff shown here!


The matchmaker’s fine everyone! Those GMs in plat lobbies are totally normal and it’s the mechanics, not skill disparity, that causes stomps.


Comment of the day :joy:


I loved the part where Sojourn said “THIS ENDS NOW” and PvE was completely obliterated!


The game modes that were already talked about, are still coming out.
And matchmaking isn’t imbalanced it’s “fun™”

We needed an official post for this? We wanted more updates, not reminders.


Remember kids whenever you can’t leave spawn it’s because the other team has more momentum than yours.


Considering that mastery missions, the mode that was talked about less than a month ago and of the bug things of season 6, was delayed, yes, apparently for them telling us that a mode is coming is actually worthy of a post

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Then the supdate should be “This is what isn’t coming out as planned. And here a little bit of why”
That’s an update. Telling us why something changed.
Kinda disingenuous to say what’s the same, and ignore the changes like they didn’t happen.

Are they implying possible changes to Ult generation in that blurb about stomps?

That’s an interesting implication if I’m reading it right. Ult economy has always been very integral to Overwatch, making it less snowbally would be a massive shift in general game flow. I’m certainly interested to see how they might adjust that without making ults feel like super long cooldowns and keeping them rewarding for better play.


He is actually right about stomps though.

Esp 1cp had this match in Nepal yesterday we stomped first round, second round we couldn’t get the point once third round started close but then we stomped.


No, it says “Womboes do be happening. They be wilin. Stay safe out there”
That’s about the long and short of it.

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I’m not sure how they effectively manage this even to be totally honest. At peast, not without making it feel like an almost entirely different game lol.

It’s sort of like gold in games like LoL which serves as another snowball mechanic. The more of it you have obtained compared to your enemy, the more of it you can continue to gain and press an advantage that only becomes more apparent so long as you manage to close the game out before they can catch back up.

Ults in this game dictate so much and being able to stay ahead in ult economy has become a “game sense” sort of skill that helps differentiate players from just being mechanically good to making intelligent plays taking advantage of ult economy.

I hope they are careful with any change. It could be for the better of course and I am hopeful that is the case. But the game revolves almost entirely around this mechanic so changing it is both huge and terrifying haha

Well, no not really? This part heavily implies that they are looking at ult economy as Lullabeii suggested.

We are continually working on our matchmaker, but the biggest gains for perceived competitiveness in Overwatch lies in looking at our core mechanics and game modes and making adjustments here. More to come on this topic.

This in context where they specifically use the example of KOTH and then go on to talk about ult economy and how the mechanics of the game itself can cause those feelings of frustration. This seems to heavily imply if not out right say they are actively monitoring those mechanics with the possibility of changes in the future.

Edit: Lulla beat me to the punch apparently lol


For instance, the way ult charge is generated in the game is a snowball mechanic, and it can be very hard to stop that momentum. When a team wins a fight, they typically generate more ult, but they also get to dictate positioning for the next fight, they get to stick together without the same chance of getting staggered as the loser. In the earlier example of Control, the reset between rounds negates many of these mechanics and puts each team on an even playing field for the next round. We are continually working on our matchmaker, but the biggest gains for perceived competitiveness in Overwatch lies in looking at our core mechanics and game modes and making adjustments here. More to come on this topic.

??? You sure we read the same article?


I mean, this is blizzard we are talking about, of course they are going to ignore anything that can give them even more bad reputation.

“Ults happen. Womboes hurt. We see it. Have fun™”

Doesn’t feel like I was that far off.

Please just release a 6v6 mode. We don’t need all these silly modes, only 6v6 would actually be played.


I mean, if that were the case I’m not sure why they would feel the need to include that bit at all, or why there is more to come on that topic of

Wouldn’t that just be more or less kind of insulting their own playerbase if how you’re interpreting it is true? It doesn’t make a whole lot of sense as to why they would feel the need to say that and then go on to mention they have more coming on that particular topic lol.

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Haven’t they been doing that? The PvE “reveal” was a great indication of that. Or how they didn’t tell us it was cancaled when it was.

What a great way to summarize blizzard as of late. So, yeah.


So let me get this straight, what you’re trying to say is:

there won’t be fun, or new ways to play, or competitive matches… right?

I mean, that’s what it means when Keller says things right… later on it turns out it was just a lie?

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