Director’s Take – Matching up the Fun

Hey, that’s a totally fair interpretation lol. I just think, especially in these written articles where off the cuff explanations aren’t really a thing they would be more tactful in their wording. But could be wrong of course.

I cant speak for LoL specifically, but in DotA they have a rubberbanding mechanic where if youre down compared to the enemy, getting kills on those heroes give you significantly more XP and gold, which can help slingshot you forward.

It would probably be the equivalent of getting more ult charge for damaging or killing enemies on a kill streak than the person being spawn camped dying over and over.

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A customers take… The director should step down.


Dude, Keller, you still don’t get it.

They do happen in most games, it’s just a question of which side of the stomp you’re on.

70%+ of matches are stomps and are fun for nobody.


The point of this example is that we think there are mechanics in Overwatch that contribute to matches turning out this way

This is the big problem imo of OW2.

I do think devs are trying to make a good game but there are flaws already present in the first game that haven’t been fixed or even worse, are more visible in OW2.

And I doubt they can fix it now. They’d need months of devs to change some core mechanics, meaning it’d be Overwatch 3 and I don’t think they gonna do it one day.

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LoL has something similar with bonuses for ending an enemy’s killing streak, faster leveling when killing higher leveled enemies. I just haven’t found it to he sufficient since if one team is significantly in the lead, they shouldn’t be dying to let the enemy take advantage of that mechanic in the first place.

I’m not opposed to it, not sure how it feels in DOTA, just skeptical is all I think.

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He’s partially correct about that specific scenario. I’ve absolutely had matches that I think are close but they end up 100~0 on CP. Same goes for payload/etc, there’s been matches where I’ve been full held stomped but I haven’t felt like there’s been a massive disparity, just a lucky ult there, whiffed play/mistake there is enough (especially in casual gold games that I used to be in).

The rest of the problem is when games are made with people that have wildly different SR or problems with new accounts/alts/smurfs. Duo/solo queue may have helped with that, but instead they went with 5v5 which we can already do…


“Have you ever played a match in Control and gotten clobbered on the first point, only to turn it around on the second and then win the match? During that first point, it’s easy to think the match was made incorrectly. The point of this example is that we think there are mechanics in Overwatch that contribute to matches turning out this way. For instance, the way ult charge is generated in the game is a snowball mechanic, and it can be very hard to stop that momentum. When a team wins a fight, they typically generate more ult, but they also get to dictate positioning for the next fight, they get to stick together without the same chance of getting staggered as the loser.”

Let’s talk about Push then … and how “great” that mode is. :upside_down_face:


More like hot-takes…

Players don’t trust you.


Of course, everything shown is subject to be cancelled without notice.

Well, they’ll know about it for a year and a half while still allowing the hype, but the players won’t be notified.


Highly unlikely that that’s happening.

GM players can only be ranked with players who are within two divisions of themselves. That’s part of the core ranking system. So a Rank 5 GM player can only be in games with Master 2 and 1 players or GM 4 and 3 players. They’ll never end up in a lobby with a Platinum player via the matchmaker.

Maybe that would be possible if the GM player was in a group with a Platinum player, and the Platinum player started searching for the game. But by default, the Matchmaker only allows GM players to get into games with players who are within two divisions of them.

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I like the idea behind 5v5 special mode for teams that may turn out an internal tournament system (and fix forum complains about stacks vs solos, I bet you target that, so gj)

But what you’ve done to MM? Q time skyrocketed and I don’t feel like anything was changed in match quality. Furthermore, I didn’t feel like matches were bad before. Well, now if the match feels bad, the q time is an additional tilting factor. Because “gg go next” doesn’t work if you have to wait the “next” for 10 mins again, just to not be sure what to expect there.

ive had so many games with top 500s and gms while being gold, maybe their own system is glitched


Could be that the gold players are getting carried.

But by default, according to Overwatch’s own material, the way it works is like this:

  • Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond and Platinum players can be grouped with players that are within two skill tiers of them.
  • Master players can only be grouped with players that are within one skill tier of them.
  • Grandmaster players can only be grouped with players within 2 divisions of them.
  • Top 500 players only group with other Top 500 players.

Maybe the MM has a bit of a malfunction when there are groups of players teaming up from varying skill ranks. That wouldn’t surprise me. If a gold player were to group up with a GM player, the MM would be trying to fill the game based on the rankings of both players (or just the gold player) and that allows the higher ranked players to be where they shouldn’t.

But I don’t know if that’s the case or not. I can only go by the details that the Overwatch 2 team have given as to how their ranking system works.

Looking forward to those 20 days of Lucio Ball in an entire year. And then it’s gone again.
Not like there are players who really enjoy this mode as a great addition to the base gameplay.

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I didn’t know the new event modes will be Volleyball and Prop Hunt. That’s actually really cool! I might spend a good amount of time in those modes, if it turns out decent.

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Aaron can you also give a detailed thought process that went into cass nade rework

please undo cas and mei changes. they were dumb please just admit it. revert it. and fix the game ty.

I had 3 of those games today… in a row.

(2 I win, 1 loss)