Flying sigma meta

Will people be banned for doing this ?


Yes, they absolutely will get banned for using exploits.


Yes, knowingly abusing a bug is a bannable offense.


absolutely actionable

a custom game of just sigma dogfighting sounds kinda fun


So yeah this will be 100% reportable, and this guy should honestly be banned for creating this video. At least for a short while.

Why? Because by showing that this bug exists and by showing exactly how to replicate it, he’s gone and created an environment that will allow a LOT of people to abuse this bug and get advantages in quick play or competitive games that they should not have.


He won’t be, he’s a big streamer.


While I see your point it also puts pressure towards blizzard to fix the bug quickly


Guess this happens because of the change where, when the timer runs out, the ult is cast automatically. Except it can only be cast at the ground, so if there’s no ground it can’t be cast.

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from one feature make 10000 bugs

blizzard motto

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This. Dafran is another big streamer and regularly does Unranked to T500 streams on Twitch using many many alt accounts, and also just flat out smurfs for the sake of smurfing there too.

Nothing has ever happened to him.

If you go to Twitch right now, he’s literally doing a smurf Unranked to T500 right this second.
He even advertises them on his Twitter.


and the only educational thing about his u2gm is you can stand and play overwatch well.

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Man, Overwatch streamers suck.


I know it’s off topic, but honestly it’s pretty pathetic the double standards Blizzard has. For us average people, smurfing and stomping with alt accounts is totally forbidden. You get banned for that, as you should.

But if you are a big popular streamer making Blizzard money, you get a free pass.
Blizzard will also only unban accounts if they belong to a popular streamer.


To play devil’s advocate: It looks like you can’t use any of Sigma’s abilities while doing this, so it’s not like it’s ultra OP. You’re basically just a bulkier Pharah with less range.


If you do it in pub games where people can report you then you can get banned.

Lets see how long before sigma and the event mode gets magically disabled :melting_face:

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Please ban this horrible person for showing a bug in a private match!!!


It’s one thing to release a video talking about a bug. Plenty of people have done that, there’s no issue there.

It’s another thing to release a video showing people precisely how to duplicate the bug, so they can also duplicate it and abuse it before it gets fixed. This is the issue I have, because while his intentions were good, he’s enabled cheaters to abuse this due to his large audience.

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Actually, he won’t be because they did this in a custom, not a public game or anything, if you did that in a qp, arcade, comp or any normal game, yes, that is banable

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Smurfing isnt bannable dude

I didn’t get any reports of actions taken against the Bastion bug abusers. I don’t expect this to be any different